Chapter 32 - Same Idea

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It was a frenzy when you stepped into the department store, all the employees practically knew both of you by name as it was the brand that made most of you and your parents outfits for any formal events.

A female attendant helped you while a male attendant helped shoto, after about an hour, you arrived at the fitting rooms with well over ten outfits in each hand. You looked over at shoto to find him carrying two outfits at most.

"Men.." you muttered as you stepped inside the audaciously lit fitting room. Barely managing to set the items down, you began looking through your options and picked out a few to narrow down and actually try on.

After pulling on the fourth dress, shoto spoke from outside, "Have you picked yet? The attendant says she needs to get the accents"

The long, white, flowing satin gown looked amazing on you, boasting an off shoulder neckline that formed into slightly transparent sleeves, reminding you of ice, and there was a leg slit on the right side. It really made you feel beautiful.

You opened the door to find shoto in a white dress shirt under a light grey vest with matching slacks. both of you were left staring at each other for a second with your mouths open.

"I guess we had the same idea, huh?" you chuckled awkwardly.

Shoto pushed you back into the dressing room and shut the door behind him, pinning you against the mirror and connecting his lips with yours. heat ran its way though your body as the kiss turned into a similar make-out session from the same morning, only this time shoto pushed up against you even more.

"L/n-Chan, hows it going in there? wheres Todoroki-Kun?" the attendant asked innocently from outside.

Your eyes flew open and you covered Shoto's mouth, but he moved and started to kiss along your jawline. "It's fine I'm still getting through all of them! I think Shoto went to find another vest but I'm not sure! Can you get me some shoes to match white?" you yelled out as convincingly as you could.

"Ah! of course! I'll bring them over!" the attendant called out, and you quickly pushed shoto out of the room.

Your heart was beating at a mile a minute and your face was beet red, you breathed out shakily and took a minute to compose yourself before the attendant knocked on your door, which you opened to find her holding another mountain of shoes.

In the end you picked out a pair of baby blue heels and matching accessories to compliment the ice theme of your dress, and shoto picked out a matching tie.

The train ride home was uneventful, and when you closed the front door behind you shoto was quick to get close to you again, but you kept him at a distance.

"Sho, this is nice, I like it, but nothing further. I don't want to prove Endeavor right" you confessed.

He nodded, "I agree"

A heaving sigh of relief left your lungs and you looked back up to shoto, pulling him into a tight hug.


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