Chapter 50 - Next Attack

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"Oh! Is this the new recruit?! Oh she's so cute!" A girl with blond pigtails squealed, you smiled awkwardly.

The man with the blue hair and severed hands adorning his body spoke angrily, "you wanna explain, Hawks?"

"Yeah, this is Y/n L/n, she's our newest member" he said casually, motioning for you to speak.

"Hello-" you said quietly.

"Quirk?" The blue haired man asked.

You put your hands in your pockets, "I can make weapons come out of my body, and I can copy people's quirks for a little, copying quirks modifies my weapons too" you said nonchalantly.

The shadow man spoke, "Why exactly are you here? I remember you from the sports festival. You seem to be well on the path to becoming a perfect little hero"

You scoffed, "How about some introductions first?"

The blue haired man spoke, pointing at himself, "Shigaraki" then at the shadow man, "Kurogiri, now start talking before I turn you to dust"

You shrugged, "Well, I'm guessing you already know all about me. My father is a hero, people praise him and look up to him, yet what people don't know is that he sold his own daughter to a man over thirty years older than her under the assumption that I'd become his next wife, and he passed me along like a goddamn object to his son" you shrugged.

A man sitting in the corner with black hair and purple scars running along his body flinched, but you ignored it and continued, "This society only sees what they want to see, they want to see the love story between two childhood friends turned hero couple and ignore the ugliness that goes on behind the scenes. It's all fake. All of it, and I want to see those bastards at the top pay for what they've taken from me."

Shigaraki stared at you in what you could only interpret as amusement, "Alright, you can stay, Dabi, give her a room"

Hawks quickly interjected, "She can't stay here"

"And why not?" Shigaraki questioned

"Because-" Hawks was cut off by Kurogiri, "Let the girl speak"

He looked over at you with a hint of nervousness, "I'm a public figure. People will notice if I've gone missing out of the blue, and if they notice, the hero commission will take action and eventually find us. Besides, I'm more of an asset as an informant" you explained.

Shigaraki looked over at Kurogiri, "Alright then, we don't need another informant in U.A., but i suppose you'll make better use living normally. I know exactly what role you can play in our next attack."

"Next attack?"

"Yes, our next target is at the summer vacation forest lodge where your class will be staying. We'll be going after a student to show the public just how much the school is able to protect them, meaning you'll have to pass your exam to be able to attend."

You nodded, "Alright, who's the target?"

"Bakugo Katsuki"

Your heart felt like it dropped to your stomach, "Bakugo Katsuki?"

"Is there a problem?" Kurogiri asked.

"Yes, there is," you said, taking a seat at the bar, "Bakugo Katsuki is loud, aggressive, violent, his temper is unpredictable and his outbursts are almost deadly"

Shigaraki laughed, "Thats why he's perfect, if we can recruit him-"

You cut him off, "But i have the displeasure of knowing him personally, he has one of the strongest resolves to be a hero I've ever seen. He looks up to All-Might and won't stop until he climbs the ranks and becomes just like him. Simply put, theres not a fat chance in hell you'll be able to change him"

Shigaraki looked aggravated, he lunged at you and held your throat forcefully, "She's got a point" Hawks said from behind you, and Kurogiri agreed.

He withdrew his hand and sat back down, "Y/n, you just might be more useful than we originally thought, so tell us, what exactly are you proposing instead?" Kurogiri asked

"I have a few ideas"


You got back into the car with Hawks in silence, as you were nearing the neighborhood, he pulled the car into an empty parking lot and killed the engine.

"What do you think you're doing?" you asked

He stared ahead, and put an arm on your back, "Let it out kid, just let go"

All it took was those few words for you to let your guard down, you began to sob violently while Hawks just rubbed your back, you started to scream, "I was fucking terrified, Hawks, I thought he was going to-"

"I know kid, I know. It'll get easier. You did a good job back there, and you did a good job protecting your friend too" he consoled.

It took half an hour for you to stop crying, and another few minutes to collect yourself, and Hawks handed you a napkin. "How can you do this all the time? How can you be so strong?"

He sighed, "Training, kid, I've been at this for a long time, you're so young, no one is expecting you to be able to handle it right away, but you're one of the bravest kids I've ever met, it's going to get better"

With that, he took you home and you walked in to find Shoto sitting on the couch watching tv. Your eyes were still red and puffy and your nose was still running, so he got up quickly to find out what had happened.

You held onto him like a lifeline, "I'm sorry, Sho, I got hurt today, and I didn't let myself cry in front of everyone,"

He stroked your head as you cried, "It's okay love, just take a breath, it's still early so let's lie down and I can ice it okay?"

You nodded slightly and he set you down on the couch, holding you and placing a cold hand on your hip where you said you had gotten hurt, you started to realize the real reason you were still crying was because you were lying to the person you loved the most.

(A/N: Thank you all so much for the love on this book, last I checked, it's at 23K reads! I never could have imagined so many people would like reading my work, but it's so motivating!

I've been having a bit of a rough patch trying to keep up with Uni, I was even in summer classes which is why I didn't update as much, I'm so sorry about that! Currently this book has my full attention so I've put all my other books on the back burner, but I've got quite a few that I've been working on! Can't promise they'll be as long as this one, maybe I should release the names of them so you all can tell me which you'd like to see after this one!

I've also been thinking a bit about the ending to this story, but there's still so much I want to explore with the undercover scenes, the relationships and character arcs, and of course your relationship with Shoto! So my current plan is to end this book with a satisfying ending for those who don't want to keep up with it, then create a second book where the story goes on! But I'm a bit worried people won't want to bother going to read the second book, what do you guys think? Please let me know :)

that's all for now, I hope you guys are having a great day <3

- Cer)

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