Chapter 55 - Here goes nothing

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All of a sudden, you, Shoto, Katsuki, and a student you'd found passed out, were confronted by the sight of Moonfish, standing over something.

"Oh my god..." you said, realizing that it was a severed arm.

You could hear the telepathic message in your head, and it only seemed to make Katsuki angry as he rushed forward in anger, only to be saved by Shoto from Moonfish's blades.

"Katuski! don't just go rushing into anything" You said angrily

"I have to follow...I have to do my job" Moonfish said,

'Moonfish, fucking creep, what the hell is he doing here?' you thought to yourself

You tried reasoning with Katsuki, but he was just blinded by anger over whatever Izuku had done, so you and Shoto had no choice but to try to keep Moonfish at by while Katsuki went about his little rampage.

"They're trying to force us into a corner..." Shoto said,

Both you and Shoto were running out of energy, Shoto's face displaying patches of frost, and Katsuki was getting more agitated by the second when the blast of black smoke came hurdling towards you, you could faintly hear Izuku's voice and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In one motion, dark shadow managed to breath Moonfish's teeth and pin him down, you didnt have a chance to ask what the hell was going on before Moonfish tried getting up again, only to be comepletely wiped out by dark shadow.

After he was down, the three of you rushed forward to make light for Tokoyami, and he was able to tame dark shadow. He talked about how he allowed his anger to take over and release dark shadow, but Shoji and Izuku managed to get his head back in the game.

While the five of you discussed the plan to get Katsuki back to base camp, he kind of looked lost as he listened before he snapped, "Don't protect me, you scum!"

"God, just listen for once, Pom" you sighed


"Where the HELL are Katsuki and Tokyami?!" You yelled, after realizing the tail ends of the group had vanished,

"That boy you're talking about, I took him with my magic" a voice said from the top of a tree, you turned to see Mr. Compress

Shoto attempted to attack him with his ice but he was too fast, while he bragged about taking Katsuki, Shoto realized

"He took both from the back without making a sound?"

Mr.Compress continued to play with the marble in his hand, making another one appear, "Taking the other was improvisation on my part, I decided that he was good too"

You froze, 'What? This wasn't part of the plan!"

He evaded another one of Shoto's attacks and escaped, telling the action squad that he had Katuski and to regroup. Everyone quickly began running after him.

Izuku explained his 'human bullet' plan, and soon enough, you, Shoji, Shoto, and Izuku were being launched across the forest, quickly catching up to Mr.Compress and slamming him onto the ground.

After realizing you landed right in front of Dabi, Twice, and Toga, you started to panic. It took everything in you to calm yourself down and remind yourself to just stick to the plan, it was almost time.

Dabi carelessly threw a fire attack after telling Mr.Compress to move, making you mentally curse him out. You tried helping everyone, but focused mostly on twice, making sure that no harm would come to Shoto.

Finally, Kurogiri appeared and everyone began to make their exit but Dabi paused, "Wait, our plan isn't-"

Mr.Compress chuckled, "Oh, that? They seemed so happy that they rushed out here, so I thought I'd give them a present. It's a habit, one of the basics of magic"

He revealed that the marbles that Shoji had were fakes, and you dug your heel into the ground in preparation.

In the final moments, when the four of you rushed to get the marbles, Dabi snatched it right out of your hand, and Katsuki soon materialized,

'Here goes nothing' You thought

Right as Dabi dissapeared, you rushed forward, "Katsuki!!" You screamed, grabbing his arm and pulling him behind you, causing you to be launched onto Dabi, the whole group stood stunned as Dabi pulled his arm tight around your waist, "Well, this one should work too" he smirked, eyeing Shoto and his horrified face.

Within a flash, it was over, and you were back in the hideout, with Dabi's arm still around your waist, you quickly pulled away, "Okay, the act is over, fireboy, don't touch me"

He chuckled, "Whatever you want, doll"


The next day, what was left of the Vanguard action squad sat around the small TV that displayed the news, detailing your kidnapping and the failure of U.A to keep their students safe. You assumed they probably had Katsuki and Shoto on a tight leash, and your heart ached thinking about how much they must be worrying, especially Shoto.

"I'm grateful for the publicity we've been getting, wouldn't you agree, Y/n?" Shigaraki asked,

You stretched and yawned lazily, "Yeah, guess so, when can I get some more clothes? I feel bad having to use Toga's"

"Ooh! Y/n-Chan! Let's head to the mall then!" Toga smiled

"No!" Shigaraki growled, "Idiot, you can't leave this building, don't you see that the whole country knows your face now?"

You groaned, "Fiiine, I'm just tired of wearing a school girl uniform"

"You can borrow something of mine, doll" Dabi said,

"Yeah, sure" you shrugged, hopping off the stool to follow Dabi back to his room.

Right when you entered his room, you pinned him against the wall with your scythe against his neck, "Call me doll again and I'll cut your head off, got that, Touya?"

His eyes widened and he grabbed you by the neck to slam you against the wall, "How the hell, do you know that"

You grimaced, "Lucky guess? You might be different looking, but your eyes and the way you looked at Shoto told me everything I need to know"

His grip tightened, "You tell anyone..."

You scratched at his hand, "That's not my fucking secret to tell, chill, I'm just saying, stop trying to fuck your future sister-in-law, it's weird as hell"

He dropped you, "Get whatever, then get the hell out"

After landing, you stood up and grabbed a few T-shirts from the dresser across the room before walking out, but not before hearing him mumble, "Not my sister-in-law yet though..."



A/N:  swear to GOD i'll finish this book even if it kills me

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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