Chapter 11 - A Couple Hundred Villians

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The second Shoto opened the door and you were hit with the familiar sight of your home, you threw yourself on the couch.

"I am never getting up" you groaned.

Shoto looked at you and chuckled, "You've got all weekend to rest up sleeping beauty, you slept through Thursday"

You took your phone out of your pocket and realized he was right, so you shot Tokoyami a text about wanting to hang out tomorrow.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Shoto asked.

"Hm? What? No- I mean yes" you sputtered.

He sighed, "I was asking what you wanted to eat, who has your attention?" he asked bitterly.

"No one, no one, I'm not hungry, and I'm gonna go out tomorrow," you said.

He leaned over the top of the couch and stared at you like you said something stupid, "You just woke up and you're gonna go out?"

"Well yeah, I'm perfectly fine now" you shrugged.

He shook his head in disappointment before walking over and grabbing your arms to make you sit up.

"Hey! let me lay down!" you complained, but when you laid back down, you realize Shoto had sat down, and you opened your eyes to meet his.

Time seemed to slow down as you looked up at him, his hand slowly came to your jaw and his thumb caressed your face softly.

Suddenly he began to lean down, getting closer and closer to your face when you suddenly heard a ring tone come in, you shot up, effectively hitting your forehead against his and ruining whatever kind of moment you just had.

"Ah, phones! p-phones exist, I should take this I'll be back" you sputtered, running toward your room and shutting the door.

Trying to desperately slow your heart rate and steady your breathing, you answered, "Hello?"

"Y/n, it's Tokoyami" the voice on the other end spoke.

"Oh hey birdman, what's going on?" You asked.

"About tomorrow, er, if you're feeling up to it we can meet at that park in the middle of the city at around 2." he offered.

You smiled, "Yeah sure! I'll see you then, and don't worry, it'll take more than a couple hundred villains to take me down!"

He chuckled, "okay see you then"

You exited your room to find Shoto still on the couch, "a couple hundred villains and yet our teacher was enough to take you down" he teased.

You sat down and laid your head on his lap again, this time with a look of surprise, "excuse me, I happen to remember I saved your ass" you said proudly.

"Ah, very big and bad until you see our teacher, then that serves as enough to get you all hot and bothered" he laughed.

Your face flushed red, "That's not true! And any girl in my position would have blushed too, he's got that roguish, I-haven't-slept-in-two-weeks vibe and girls are into it" you protested.

"Should I consider adjusting my sleep schedule then?" he asked, staring out to the wall.

You felt a familiar embarrassment shoot up your system and you reached up to flick his chin as hard as you could, "In your dreams"

"What? If we're gonna be married I should at least carry some kind of attraction from you" he protested.

"If that were the case id be wearing mini skirts all the time, damn pervert" you countered.

He blushed at the thought, but swallowed and simply looked away in defeat, in which you decided to rub it in his face even more, "Yep, don't forget that one time I heard you- mmph!"

His hand covered your mouth and his face burned red, "Right, we get it"

You smiled in victory and yawned, before standing slowly and stretching, "I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you tomorrow"

You leaned down to hug him and then went back to your room, getting into bed and sighing In content.

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