Chapter 39 - Not The Only One

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You both stopped when you saw endeavor, and you stood in front of Shoto protectively.

"What is it, y/n? this is a day to celebrate, Shoto, you should learn to control that left side, it was dangerous what you pulled, yet I'm glad you're coming around. I can finally train you into becoming the hero you're supposed to be, once you graduate you can work alongside me and we can lead you down the right path!" He yelled

Before you could retaliate, Shoto spoke, "No. You're a fool. at the moment I used that power, I forgot you existed, but I no longer need you, I and y/n will succeed easily without you"

As he pulled you along with his hand around your shoulder, you giggled, "So long, number two, see you at the press conference."

While shoto got his new uniform, you watched the fight between Shirozaki and Iida, then left to the balcony to wait for your next fight.

You stepped onto the arena and smiled at Tokoyami, "Good luck Yami! you too dark shadow"

"Likewise, y/n" he replied as Mic told you to begin.

He immediately rushed forward making you giggle, you dodged his first attack and grabbed his arm, throwing him to the other side of the arena.

You took your long sword out, and the blade had been replaced with a moving shadow, "Woah, so cool!"

As dark shadow came close to striking you, the sword blocked it and fought against dark shadow. Once you noticed an opening you pushed the sword forward with everything you had, before dropping it and running across to Tokoyami. a single small cut was placed on the back of his arm and he was instantly paralyzed, which allowed you to go grab your shadow sword and put it back into your body, then you lightly kicked Tokoyami out of bounds.

"Incredible! Mimicking the shadow to keep the other one distracted while she went in for the kill! amazing!" Mic yelled as the crowd roared.

You crouched next to Tokoyami and pet a crying dark shadow, "Sorry about that Yami, you did great! the paralysis will wear off in less than an hour okay?"

You returned to Shoto and he gave you a water bottle, "Nice job out there" he praised.

The fight between Katsuki and Kirishima had you worried, you weren't sure what you would do if you had to fight Katsuki, or even shoto in the end, you bit your lip, starting to wonder if you should have left Tokoyami win.

Shoto squeezed your shoulder lightly to try to comfort you, but you flinched and quickly stepped back before turning to face him, nearly frozen in fear.

He seemed surprised, but his face morphed into horror when he realized why you'd reacted the way you did.

"I-'m sorry it was just a reflex-" you began but Shoto held you tightly against him.

"I think I'd rather give up being a hero before having to see you flinch like that again, I'm so sorry," he said quietly

You let yourself melt into his embrace, for so long that you completely missed the battle between Katsuki and Kirishima. Noticing that Katsuki had picked up the win, you couldn't help but to feel hot fear run through your veins, Shoto only held you tighter.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our final four!" Mic announced, and your pictures came up on the screen, just as Katsuki turned the corner.

"Get out there ice-hot, you and the guy with the glasses are next" he grumbled.

Shoto hesitated, but let go of you and walked over to the prep room.

You kept your head down, "you don't have to boast about how you're not gonna go easy on me, Katsuki. I know that"

"Idiot, shut up a second" he groaned, holding out his hand for you to see. it was hard to notice at first, but he was trembling.

Your eyes widened, "Katsuki..."

He avoided your eyes, "You're not the only one worried about this stupid fight"

You sighed, but took his hand in yours and looked up into his eyes with a shaky smile, "it's okay, let's both do our best and not hold back okay?"

His signature smile came on in an instant, "Yeah, let's see what you've got dumbass armory"

The battle between Iida and Shoto was already underway, Shoto had already gained the upper hand in the battle, and he quickly immobilized him with his ice. Yet the arena was quickly cleaned and before you could say anything to Shoto, you had to walk out to the field.

"I'm rooting for you, you've proven today that you're better than both of us, all you have to do is prove it once more," he said as you walked toward the arena.

You stood in a stare-down with Katsuki, "Let's do our best" you said, offering your hand.

He smirked and took your hand, just as Mic began, "We're now moving into the second match of today's semi-finals! The hotheaded Bakugo versus the balanced powerhouse L/n!"

Katsuki wasted no time in charging at you, and you began to dodge quickly with your ax in hand, you just had to get close enough to touch him, yet his quirk made that near impossible.

You looked for an opening and ran forward. You jumped up and then head-butted him as hard as you could. This disoriented both of you for a second then Katsuki began to unleash explosions like never before, the entire arena was engulfed in smoke and you tried to hide among it.

Katsuki saw your shadow and walked over to you, getting ready to strike his final blow, yet he stumbled back.

Your hair had gone blond at the ends, and your eyes were red like his.

An explosion left your hand and propelled you forward, while in the air you brought out your katana and began to fall while getting ready to slash him.

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