Better on you

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The game started, and I made my way to the stands. I stood with Ron and Hermione and looked for Draco. I saw him in the Slytherin stands on the other side of the field. I figured he wouldn't be close so I wrote a letter telling him to meet me under his stands.

I whistled to Char, who came shortly after. I gave him the letter and told him to go around the field not to get hit and give it to Draco. He did as described, and I watched him fly around the area. He dropped the letter on Draco's lap and flew away.

Draco opened the envelope and read the letter. He looked up to find me, and when he did, he nodded. I stood up and made my way to his stands. I was about halfway to him when I saw someone coming towards me.

Surprisingly it was Draco.

"I told you to meet me under your stands."

"I know, but that would have taken forever. Besides, I don't mind."

"Alright, well, I was hoping I would have a little more time to think about what I was going to say. But I suppose I should be fine."

"What exactly did you want to talk about? There is more than one thing after all."

"My father."

"I see. I imagine this will be hard for you."

"Yes, but life's hard. It would be best if you kept moving forward. And no matter how hard it gets, there will always be extraordinary times that you can look back on. But, that won't make things less hard." I said, looking at my feet towards the end.

"Take your time. We can go somewhere else if you don't want to risk anyone else hearing."

I nodded and looked back up. I gave Draco a half-smile and started walking to the castle.

"I know the perfect place."

We walked to the sixth floor and into a room. It looked like it used to be a lounge room but has since been abandoned. I found it around a month ago, shortly after I learned about my father. We walked towards the couches.

I sat on one, and Draco sat on the one across from me. I looked down, put my hands in my lap, and started fiddling with the ring he gave me. I told him everything I knew about my father and mother. Surprisingly I didn't shed a tear.

I finally looked up at Draco, who had a sympathetic look on his face. That's what did it. I wasn't looking at him, so that I couldn't see the look on his face. But looking at him feeling bad for me made my genuine emotions come out.

I finally let the tears fall as I looked back down to my hands, finding them much more enjoyable. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked back up only to see Draco had moved to my couch. I opened my mouth to say something but just shook my head instead.

I let myself fall onto Draco. I rested my head on his lap while he rubbed circles on my upper arm. He's the only person that has seen me cry this much. And who is okay with helping me through it every time.

"Lilia, so that you know, you are nothing like your father. And I don't think you ever will be. You're unique. Even when I was a complete arse to you, your brother, and his friends, you always tried to get us to stop. That's one of the many things that I admire about you."

I sniffled as I put my hand on my arm where his hand was. I rubbed his knuckles before putting my hand back down.

"You think so? From what I heard, both of my parents wanted to take over the Wizarding world."

"And look where that got them."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, they were both killed by babies."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. It was sad but true.

"I suppose they were, weren't they?"

This time Draco let out the laugh. We just sat there for a few minutes, neither of us knowing what to say.

"There is one more thing we need to talk about."

"What's that?" I said as I lifted my head off of Draco's lap and sat back up.

I turned myself, so I was sitting criss-cross facing Draco.

"What happened between us at the Great Hall."

"Right, I suppose that is something we may need to talk about."

Draco took my hands in his before talking again.

"Listen, Lilia. I understand if you don't feel the same way I do, but I've never felt like this with someone before. This is hard for me to say. I'm not the type to express these kinds of feelings, but then again, how would I know that if I've never felt them before."

"Draco, I can't. I'm sorry." I said as I stood up.

"Lilia, please."

"Draco, things would be so much easier if we-if we pretend we hate each other."

"Who says I want easy?" Draco snapped, standing up as well.

"I'm sorry, but." I looked down at the ring on my finger."I have so much going on right now and so much I need to figure out." I took the ring off of my finger and looked at it again. "I assume you'll b-"

"Keep it, please. No matter what, it will always look better on you."

I put the ring back on.

"Know it's not because I don't feel the same okay? That's not it at all," I cut myself off.

I walked up to Draco and put my hands on his cheeks. I then slowly leaned forward until our lips were slightly touching. He put his arms around my waist and pulled my body closer to his.

"Draco, I feel the same way, and I don't want these special moments of ours to stop. I need to figure out so much stuff right now." I cut myself off again, not knowing how to finish.

I closed the gap between our lips and kissed the blonde-haired boy in front of me. This kiss was much more passionate but still gentle. I pulled away after a couple of seconds and put my forehead on Draco's.

"Think of that as a... to be continued kiss. Whenever that may be."

Shallow ~ Draco x Lilia LoweWhere stories live. Discover now