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Harry and I were sitting at the lake with Neville, who was in the water reading a book Moody gave him the day we learned about the curses. Neville waved behind us, causing Harry and I to turn around.

Ron, Hermione, and Ginny walked over to us, Hermione and Ron arguing about why he couldn't talk to us himself. He then just said, because Harry's here.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for the two of you."

"Is that right? Well, you-what?"

"Ron, what's going on?" I asked.

"Seam- I was told to tell you that Hagrid is looking for you and Harry."

"Okay, thank you, Ron."

"Tell Harry that you need to go straight away."

"Ron, he's right here. He hears you."

"Well, I wasn't talking to him. I was talking to you."

The three of them left, and Harry and I went to Hagrids hut. He told us to get the cloak James gave to Harry and meet him at the edge of the forest. When we got there, we started walking further into the woods.

"Did you bring your father's cloak as I asked ya?"

"Yeah, I brought the cloak. Hagrid, where are we going?" Harry said, a little annoyed.

"You'll see soon enough. Now pay attention. This is important."

"What's with the flower?" I nudged Harrys' arm, telling him to stop. "Hagrid, have you combed your hair?"

"Harry!" I said quietly.

I hit him on the back of the head this time, hoping he would get the hint to stop. Hagrid is trying to impress someone, but Harry is just making him feel weird.

Then we heard a growl from a distance.


"The cloak! Put the cloak on!" Hagrid said as he walked away.

Harry and I went under the cloak and followed at a reasonable distance.

We walked up to the Headmistress as she and Hagrid said hello, amongst other things. We then walked up to a bush, and Hagrid opened it. There, in cages, were five dragons.

"Can we go closer?" The woman asked as she stepped closer to the beautiful beasts.

"Dragons? That's the first task?" Harry asked, poking our heads out. "You're joking." He finished as he pulled the rest of the cloak down.

"Come on, Harry." Hagrid started.

"These are seriously misunderstood, creatures." I interrupted.

I looked at them in awe. They were beautiful.

"Although, I have to admit, that Horntail is a nasty piece of work," I concluded.

"Poor Ron nearly fainted just seeing them, you know."

"Ron was here?"

"Oh, sure. His brother Charlie helped to bring him over from Romania. Didn't Ron tell you that?"

"No, he didn't. He didn't tell me a thing."

The following day as Harry and I walked through a corridor, a bunch of people wore these god-awful pins that said: "Potter stinks." Then people started saying it as we walked by.

I didn't see one about me, though. Maybe people aren't as mad at me? I don't understand why, but I suppose I'm lucky for that.

We walked up to Cederic, who was lying on a bench. He sat up the second he saw us, and his friends started to laugh at Harry.

"Can we have a word?" I spoke, knowing Harry is upset.

"All right."

We walked to the side as is friends yelled, "Potter stinks."

"Dragons. That's the first task." I said.

I figured I would just be the one to talk. Harry was too upset.

"They've got one for each of us."

His friends called out to him again.

"Are you serious, Lilia?" I nodded my head. "And Fleur and Krum, do they...?"


"Right. Hey, Potter, about the badges. I've asked them not to wear-."


"Yeah, Lilia?"

I shook my head, and Cedric nodded in understanding. We ran into Ron and Seamus.

"You're a right fowl git. You know that?"

"is that so?"


"Anything else?"

"Stay away from me."

"Fine," Ron said, pushing past Harry.

"Ron?" He looked back. "Thank you for" Ron nodded his head.

"Why did you thank him?"

"You're so clueless sometimes, aren't you?"

We were about to walk away when we heard Draco.

"Why so tense, Potter? My father and I have a ber, you see. I don't think you're going to last 10 minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks ou won't last five."

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy." Harry pushed him back. "He's vile and Cruel, And you're just pathetic."

Harry and I started to walk away, but Draco grabbed my arm.

"A word." He commanded.

He brought me around a corner and stood in front of me. He grabbed my wrists and held them above my head as my back hit a wall.

"What the hell, Lilia?"

"What did I do? You're the one who has me pinned against the wall in a very... intimate pose."

"Yeah, well, this is the only way I can make you stay. I need to talk to you, but you have been avoiding me."

"How have I bee-"

"Your window and blinds have been shut since The Goblet of Fire picked the champions."

"Oh, is that what this is about? Why my window is closed?" Draco nodded. "Harry's been having a tough time in his dorm, so he's been sleeping in one of the spare beds in mine."

"So you're not avoiding me?"

"No, why would I be?"

That was the real question. Why would he think I was avoiding him unless I had a reason to be? That's why I've been pretending not to be pissed at him for everything that has happened with him since we arrived this year.

"Oh-uh-erm no reason. No reason at all. But I do have another question for you." I nodded my head slowly. "How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Put your name in and get cho-"

"I didn't, Draco end of story. I did not put my name in. Why would I? People die in this tournament, so why would I put my name in? And before you ask, Harry didn't either. We don't know who did it or why. But we wish they hadn't." I took in a deep breath and mumbled, "Especially considering the first challenge."

Draco just looked at me for a moment. Then he gingerly removed his hands from my wrists. But before I could leave, he pulled me in by my waist and rested his forehead on mine. Then, he leaned in more so he could kiss me.

I didn't retreat like I wanted to. It felt good to kiss Draco again finally, but sadly it didn't change the anger I still felt towards him. To me, this kiss was full of anger and fear, but to him, I think it was full of apologies. When I finally pulled away I just looked into his silver eyes.

I want this good moment to last long enough to get me through the next bad ones. I took Draco's hands off my waist, but before I walked away I kissed his cheek. Then I walked away.

Shallow ~ Draco x Lilia LoweWhere stories live. Discover now