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I walked toward the Common Room when Cedric pulled me to the side and hurried me down a hallway. "Bloody hell, Diggory. What's wrong with you?" I huffed. He smiled before running a hand through his hair.

"Is that any way to treat someone who is going to tell you how to solve the egg?" He said, a cocky grin on his face. 

"Cedric, I figured out the clue weeks ago. You need to be underwater to open the egg, which is part of the clue. But thanks for trying." I put my hand on his shoulder and then reached up and ruffled his hair. "Good try, kid." I winked.

"Kid? I'm three years older than you. You're the kid."

"Huh, then how did I figure out the clue before you? Not to mention I already know the basics of what the second challenge is and how I'm going to win it. In the Triwizard tournament, you Cedric are the kid."

"Lilia, just because you are smarter than most kids your age doesn't mean you can call them kids."

"Too bad, Cedric. Thanks again for trying to help. I appreciate it."

I started to turn to walk away, but Cedric started talking again. "T-that's not the only reason I wanted to talk to you. I also had a question." 

"I'm listening."

"You and Draco-"

"If you are going to ask if we were together or whatever. We're not."

"But the Yule Ball-"

"Was the second to last time I talked to him, Cedric. I ended whatever it was we had the next day."

"On Christmas day? That's harsh, Lilia, even for you."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Cedric looked down smiled a little.

"Didn't you hit him over the head with a plate the first day you met him?"

"Y-yea bu-"

"And you also punched him in the nose the day they caught and lost Serius Black. You also got into a fight with him at Hogsmeade." I flinched at the words, remembering that I broke up with him the last time I was there. "What was that?"

"What was what? I didn't do anything. What are you talking about?" I rambled mentally face-palming when I finished.

"Right... so what happened at Hogsmeade?" He asked without thinking.

"None of your business."


"Nothing Cedric, nothing happened that day at Hogsmeade," I said as calmly as possible. It was true nothing happened the day Draco thought I threw his ring. With me, at least, little did I know it was the day he fell in love with me.

"What about on a different day?" I fidgeted. "Look, I know we don't know each other very well, but you can talk to me if you need to."

"Why do you care anyway?"

"Now your just avoiding the question."

"Cedric, we're enemies! We are facing each other in the Triwizard Tournament, and I don't trust you! You might be getting information about me to do what you did, you Harry, and I don't want my face on a pin with some stupid comment saying, go Cedric after it! So can you leave me alone?!" I snapped. Cedrics smile never dropped though, it even grew.

"See, Lilia, that's what I like about you. You're not afraid to speak your mind. And you can trust me when I say I was not and am not trying to get information out of you. And I'm not going to you what I did to Harry, I promise."

"I have to go, Cedric,"

"Do you want to hang out sometime?"

"I don't think so, kid."

"I'm not-" I slammed the door to a classroom that I didn't need to be in. I figured no one would be in it, considering classes were over. I loudly sighed as I slid my back down the door, raising my knees to my chest and lowering my head. I heard a creek a little in front of me but figured it was just my imagination. 

I even thought I heard Draco asking me if I was alright, but again blew it off as it was probably in my head. It wasn't until I felt arms around me that I realized he was actually there, or at least someone was. At this point I didn't care who it was I just shifted myself so I was in there arms. I missed the feeling of being comforted, even though I hated the circumstances.

I didn't cry however, I just at there in there arms sniffling every now and then. It wasn't until he put a strand of hair behind my ear and picked up my chin that I knew who I was sitting with.

Shallow ~ Draco x Lilia LoweWhere stories live. Discover now