It's The Cup

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Music started playing, and people started cheering. We walked out from under the stands one by one. I looked up and saw Draco, Crabbe, and Goyal cheering. Crabbe, of course, had Krum written on his forehead, and I heard Goyal saying Krum's name, but Draco looked at me and winked before mouthing, My bets on you. I smiled and looked behind me towards Dumbledore and Harry, who were waking out from the archway. 

When we were all lined up, Dumbledore went up to the podium. "Silence! Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory, and Miss Lowe, tied for the first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Potter, Mr. Krum, Miss Delacour." The crowd roared and cheered. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wand. Contestants gather around. Quickly! In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can but be very wary. You could lose yourselves along the way." He let us go, and we got ready. "Champions, prepare yourselves."

The crowd cheered as different groups called out our names. I even heard people cheering me on. The cannon went off, and I started walking in. I looked behind me and saw Moody pointing me to go left. The ivy wall closed behind me, and I started walking further into the maze. I heard a scream that must have come from Fleur. I wanted to find her, but the scream died out, and I knew I would have no luck looking for someone who was lost, especially when I am lost. 

I saw a red spark fly in the air and ran towards it. As soon as I saw Harry, I ran faster. "Harry!" 

"Lilia? Lilia! Run!" He said, pointing behind me. The walls started to close behind me, and I ran with Harry to a clearing. We jumped into a clearing and heard a noise. "It's the cup." The walls around it started closing, so we started running, trying to get there before it was too late. We didn't get far before we saw Cedric and Victor fighting.

"Get down!" The second we knelt, Victor shot at Cedric. He disarmed Victor and ran towards him, kicking the wand from his hand. He pointed his wand at the unconscious Victor, but Harry stopped him.

"No, stop! He's bewitched." Cedric pushed Harry off of him and started running. I grabbed Harry and started running with him. We turned a corner started Cedric and Harry began to push each other. I moved Cedric away, and we turned to the corridor that held the cup. "Yes." As we ran towards the cup, vines started growing from the ground, and the boys still fought behind me, trying to get to the cup first.

Cedric fell, and Harry kept running. "Harry, we can't leave him!"

"Harry! Lilia!"

"Harry come one, please! We can't leave him here!" Finally, Harry started running back, and we got Cedric out of the vines. 


"No problem." We said at the same time. 

"You know for a moment there. I t-I thought you were going to leave us." 

"For a moment, so did I. You're lucky Lilia was here, or I might have." He said. But knowing Harry, it's likely he would have saved him regardless. Harry took my hand and looked at Cedric. Then without warning, we all started running towards the cup.

"Go on, take it. You saved me, take it!" 

"Together. Ready, One." I started

"Two, Three!" We all reached for the cup.

Shallow ~ Draco x Lilia LoweWhere stories live. Discover now