Dementor, Dementor

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Draco ended up almost walking with me to the Fat Lady, but the staircase he needed to go down was the one before the seventh floor.

Considering the Slytherin and Gryffindor Common Rooms are on opposite sides of the Castle and different sides of the Astronomy tower, I was surprised he walked with me as far as he did.

"Well, goodnight, Lilia."

"Goodnight, Draco," I said, looking back at him.

He gave me a tiny, almost invisible smile. I did the same, and we walked our separate ways.

I quietly walked back to my dorm. Thankfully no one was up. I got into my pyjamas and went to bed. I thought about everything that just happened, about how weird it was, and I slowly drifted to sleep.

"No!!" I screamed, waking up from my dream.

It was a dream about some girl giving birth but dying. She mentioned something about the baby's father. Tom, I think it was. But after that, I had a dream about my parents dying. That's why I screamed.

I got up and went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face.

I looked in the mirror. Was I... crying?

"Lilia? Are you okay?" I heard Harry say.

I opened the door and saw Harry breathing heavily in front of the bathroom door.

"Yeah, I think so. What are you doing in here?"

"Everyone heard a scream. Hermione came down and said it was you, so I ran up. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah.. it was just a nightmare about our parents dying. I used to get them during my first year at Ilvermorny, but after a while, my friends found a way to keep them away."

I think it was just the company I always had in my dorm to make me feel safe. But I don't have that here. I'm alone in a big room all night with no one to talk with.

Harry walked closer and wiped a tear off my cheek. He then continued to hug me, hoping it would help. But honestly, it didn't. I hugged him back regardless. I didn't want him to feel like I didn't appreciate it because I did.

"Thanks, Harry, but we should probably head to the Great Hall now."

Harry nodded and left. I walked over to my wardrobe and changed into my Gryffindor robes.

I walked out of the dorm and down the stairs where Harry, Ron and Hermione were waiting for me.

"Bloody hell, Lilia. Are you alright?"

"Yeah... why?"

"You look like you've been crying all night and like you haven't slept."

"Oh. I guess nightmares do that." I shrugged.

I only started crying when I woke up, but Ron's right, I didn't sleep much. I tried, but every time I closed my eyes, I saw an odd-looking man.

He had pale, almost ghost-white skin, no hair, and no-no nose. He was the person I dreamt my parents were getting killed by when I finally got to sleep.

The trio gave me concerned looks but accepted my answer. We walked to the Great Hall and sat at the Gryffindor table. Neville and Seamus joined us shortly after, and we started eating.

Not even two minutes later, an owl came in. Was it Char? My owl dropped an envelope on my lap and propped himself on my shoulder. I reached into my pocket and gave him an owl treat.

"It's too early for mail," Hermione said, eyeing the envelope I've since picked up.

It was a black envelope, like the one I got last night. But how did he get my owl?

I opened the envelope and read the letter inside.

Dear, Lilia

I know you told me not to send you letters, but I thought this was the best way.

I also addressed you by Lilia because I know you will be with Potter and his friends when you open this. I'm the only one that calls you two Potter, so I don't want it to be noticeable.

If you feel the envelope, you will tell that it has some weight to it. Look inside, go on ill wait.

I looked in the envelope and saw a small object. I took it out and looked at it. It was Draco's ring, the one I complimented on last night. I took it out and fiddled with it in one hand while I continued reading the letter.

I figured it would look better on you. I don't need it anyway. Sorry If it's odd for me to give this to you, but you seemed to like it more than I did. I may not like it that much, but take care of it.

Yours Truly,


A small smile rose on my face as I folded the letter and put it in my pocket. I put the ring on my right ring finger, I tried all the others first, but it was the only one it fits appropriately on.

"Well, who was it from, and why did they give you that?"

I looked up from my hand and looked at Ron, who asked the questions.

"Oh, I'm not sure why they gave a ring to me, but it's not essential who gave it to me."

I looked past Ron's shoulder and saw Draco was looking at me already. I gave him a questioning look before smiling at him. I made sure no one else saw but him.

He smirked a little before looking back at his friends. They started eating again, but I just looked at the ring. Why would he give me this? I mean, he hates my brother, so why has he taken an interest in me?

Soon after, our schedules were handed out to us. I was given almost all the same classes as Harry, thank God.

First, we had divination class, which was weird. Professor Trelawney thought Harry was going to die, but then she didn't remember saying it. I shrugged it off. She seemed a bit looney.

Next, we have Care for Magical Creatures. We walked into the forest until we found Hagrid with a Hippogriff. Some students asked how to open our books, which I had already done by petting the spine.

They don't teach much in the first couple of years at Hogwarts, do they?

"I can't believe they've got this oaf teaching classes."

"Shove off, Malfoy!" Ron said, getting angry.

Draco and his goons walked up to Harry, Ron, Hermione and me.

"Excuse me? W-" He paused and looked up. "Dementor, dementor!" He said, pointing to the sky.

He had a horrified expression on his face.

The four of us turned around along with some others that were standing behind us. When I saw there was nothing there I turned around.

I looked at Draco, who had a smirk on his face. He looked at my face, which was holding a lot at the moment. I knew that I had bags under my eyes and that I had a scared expression on my face.

His smirk dropped for a split second before he and his friends pulled up their hoods and started wiggling their fingers. They were making 'ghost' sounds.

I ran my right hand through my hair and watched as Draco's eyes followed my action. I think he was looking at the ring.

Shallow ~ Draco x Lilia LoweWhere stories live. Discover now