No Way, Not Happening

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I wrapped my arms around Draco as his head rested in the crook of my neck. Until I find out what's going on, I want to pretend that everything is okay between us. I know it's not fair, but it's the only way to get to the bottom of this. And if what my dream was about is true, I won't have to do this much longer.  

I brought one arm up and rested it on Dracos head, remembering how much he likes it when I rub the crown of his head. A small satisfied grunt came from him, proving my thoughts true. I tried to fall asleep, but I was too curious to find out how I find out what Draco is doing and if it will happen. But before that thought got any further, an owl came through the open window. A black envelope fell onto the side of the bed, and if he weren't with me right now, I would have thought it was from Draco. I gingerly picked it up and opened it. I made sure not to make any noise, as Draco had fallen asleep a few minutes ago. I took out the paper that was inside and started reading it.


You don't know me, but I know you, probably more than I should. My name is Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's mother. You may be confused as to why I am writing you, but I can assure you you will be thankful I did, in some ways.

You have changed Draco for the better, even though you haven't known him long. And I wish I didn't have to suggest what I'm about to, but I must. You see, Lucius, Draco's father, is trying to figure out who your father is, and we both know that Voldemort does not know of your existence if you know what I mean.  

He doesn't know that he got my mother pregnant. Therefore he doesn't know he is a father. But who did she find out?

Lucius is getting Draco to look through everything he can find that belongs to you, journals, diaries, any paper that has writing on it, or any letters. I know Draco's upset, but he knows Lucius will do things his way if he stops. 

Long story short, he's close, no thanks to Draco, who knows the answer to his father's question. It would be best if you left him as soon as possible, and you need to make sure it's for plausible reasons. Otherwise, he will-well, make sure he knows he isn't to come near you again. You need to break his heart. It would help if you made sure he can tell Lucius that there is no way to get the information he wants.

As much as it will hurt Draco and you, the faster this happens, the faster you two can get back to normal. He needs to get his father off of his back first. I'm sorry I can't explain further, but make the best out of the moments you have left with Draco because you might not have him back for a while.

Sorry to do this to you dear,


There are so many things wrong with this letter, starting with the fact that she thinks I'll get back together with him? After this? No way, not happening. He could have told me. He should have told me. Maybe if he had, I wouldn't be so mad. I was hoping I found out because he told me, even though that wouldn't explain how he didn't know I knew until after the Yule Ball. Speaking of which, I didn't realize we were even having that. I know that whoever hosts the Triwizard Tournament also hosts the Ball, but I suppose with everything going on, it slipped my mind. I guess I already know who I'm taking too. My question is why.

Why do I have dreams about the future? Will they come more often, like a vision, when I'm awake? More importantly, should I tell Harry, tell him that they are coming true? Or should I wait until more of them happen? What if it's just a freak coincidence? "Ugh, why me?" I scoffed quietly. I tore up the letter after putting it back in the envelope and threw it in the garbage. Then, after grabbing my wand, I lit the paper on fire so no one could read it.

I know where and how I'm telling Draco. I also know that it won't be a fake breakup to either of us because I want nothing to do with him. Not anymore. Maybe if he hadn't lied to me and told me himself, I wouldn't be as mad, but he did lie, and he didn't tell me himself. Now I have to feel disgusted in situations like this. "Draco?" No answer. "Draco, you must wake up. I need to go to the bathroom." Well, at least I'm not lying. And technically, I'm not lying about knowing. He has never asked me about this. He doesn't even ask if I'm okay after he's seen me upset.

There are so many things wrong with this relationship. It's ridiculous. Maybe if I hadn't gone to the stupid World Cup with him, everything would be fine-Dracos groan cut off my thoughts. He tightened his hold on me and nuzzled his head further into my neck. I would have been happy to be here with him if the situation were different, but it's not. I know that Draco doesn't want to do these things for his father, but again, maybe if he had told me himself, I wouldn't be as upset. After a few more minutes, Draco and I finally got up and left.

Shallow ~ Draco x Lilia LoweWhere stories live. Discover now