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I don't know how long I was asleep, but two people stood beside my bed when I opened my eyes. I looked at the two boys recognizing them almost instantly.

Crabe and Goyal were standing at the side of my hospital bed with confused looks on their faces. But they didn't notice that I was awake. They were focused entirely on the sleeping Draco.

"What do you goons want?" I whispered.

They looked at me, almost startled.

"We've-" I shushed him and put my finger over my mouth. Crabe took the hint and continued but whispered. "We've been looking for Draco for three days. We thought he was dead or something. Then we found him here with you, and I don't think we've ever been more bloody confused."

"We thought he hated you. Which, thinking back on it, wouldn't make sense because he talked about you all the time. Never shut up about you, actually. I guess we just never clued in." Goyal added.

"We've been standing here for an hour trying to figure out how to wake him."

"That's easy. You won't."

"But we have to. We don't know what to do without Draco."

"Well, too bad. I don't think Draco has slept the past couple of days, so go on. Leave."


"Now, please."

Draco groaned.

"Well, now look what you've done. You've woke Draco."

"Lilia? Who else is here?"

"Dumb and dumber."


"Crabe and Goyal. They say they're lost without you. How romantic."

Draco groaned once again before getting up.

"Would you two leave? Go to the Great Hall and feed your faces."

The two boys looked at each other before looking at Draco and nodding.

They left right away. Thank God.

"I'm sorry they woke you."

"Don't be. It's not you're fault, but how long did I sleep for?"

"Around 5 hours, but I'm not truly sure."

"Why aren't you sure?"

"Well, after an hour of rubbing your head, I fell asleep, and your goons said they watched us for an hour. But it was around noon when you fell asleep, and it's" I looked at my watch. "Almost 5:00, so you slept for around 5 hours, and I 4."

"Well, in that case, let's get you something to eat,"

"That sounds like an excellent idea."

Draco stood up and held out a hand for me. I took it and stood up.

"How is it?"

"It isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be."

"Shall you be eating with your friends or me?"

"I honestly would stay with you, but I promised Ron."

"I understand. Can I at least help you down the stairs?" Draco asked with a smirk

"Sure... but what exactly do you have planned?"

Draco turned around and bent over.

"Hop on."


"Yes, let's go."

I did as he said and hopped onto his back, laughing a little. Draco adjusted his hands, so they were near the inner of my knees and started walking out of the Hospital Wing.

Shallow ~ Draco x Lilia LoweWhere stories live. Discover now