Harry Potter And Lilia Lowe?

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Today is the day the Champions are chosen. In other words, it's been around a week since Draco started acting weird. I've had the same dream over and over again. And Draco had been there to comfort me every time.

He doesn't seem to mind that I wake up screaming anymore. And he also hasn't been snooping around my room while I'm asleep or in the bathroom.

We all gathered around The Goblet of Fire in the Great Hall. Fred and George tried to put their names in a couple of days ago, but it backfired and turned them old. Really old.

Sit down. Please. Now for the moment, you've all been waiting for: The champion selection."

Dumbledore raised a hand and started putting out all of the fires around the room. Then he placed his hands on the Goblet. The fire turned pinky red, and a black paper flew out.

"The Durmstrang champion is Victor Krum."

Everyone cheered and applauded as he made his way from his seat. He went to the champion room, and Dumbledore went back to the Goblet.

The fire turned pink again, and a blue paper flew out.

"The champion for Beauxbatons... is Fleur Delacour."

Again everyone cheered as she made her way to the champion room.

Then was the Hogwarts champion.

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!:

The applause for Cedric was louder than the rest. There were whistles and cheers from every direction. He shook hands with Dumbledore and went to the champion room like the rest.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions this vessel of victory the Triwizard Cup!"

As Dumbledore said this, The Goblet of Fire started to make noise again. He turned around, along with everyone else, and looked at the Goblet in confusion.

He walked up to it cautiously as the flame turned pink again. Two pieces of parchment flew out, and Dumbledore caught them.

"Harry Potter and Lilia Lowe. Harry Potter and Lilia Lowe?"

Everyone looked at us as we looked at each other confused.

"Harry Potter and Lilia Lowe!"

"Go on, guys. Go on, for goodness sake." Hemione said, pushing us.

We walked up to Dumbledore side by side, confused as to why our names came out. He handed us the parchment and sent us on our way.

As we walked down the rows of students, they all looked at us like we were traitors. They whispered to each other said fowl things. Then I looked at Draco, who looked disappointed.

We walked pasted all of the Professors and into the champions room. Only a couple of seconds after, we heard arguing.

"Harry, Lilia," Dumbledore said, running over. "Did you put your names in the Goblet of Fire?" He said, Grabbing Harry's shirt and pushing on my shoulder.

"No, sir." We said at the same time.

"Did you ask one of the older students to do it for you?"

No, sir." We said at the same time again.

He was pushing us somewhat hard. It was killing my shoulder.

"You're absolutely sure?"

"Yes, sir." We spoke again.

"But of course, he is lying."

"The hell he is! The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it. Magic way beyond the talents of fourth years."

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