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The next day, Seonghwa and the others were outside. They could sense the wolves getting closer. 

"Is Joong safe"? San asked.

"I locked my room. They won't get to him". As he spoke, several wolves appeared. One shifted and walked forward as the others stayed into their wolf forms.

"Where is he"? The male asked. 

"Keep Joong out of this", Seonghwa growled.

"How about I introduce myself? I'm Heeseung, the alpha, and you broke the contract we formed".

"He wanted this! Leave him alone"! Seonghwa shouted. 

"I don't care if he wanted this or not! You broke the contract and you will pay"! Heeseung ran forward and threw a punch at Seonghwa. But before his fist made contact with Seonghwa, someone appeared in front of him and grabbed Heeseung's fist. Seonghwa stared wide eyed at the blonde hair boy in front of him. 

"Don't you dare touch him". Heeseung was then flung back towards a tree and hit his back hard against it. 

"Ah shit", Heeseung groaned as he slowly stood up. 

"J-Joong"? The boy didn't hear him as he walked closer to Heeseung. 

"You leave us alone you got that"? Heeseung let out a small whimper before nodding and disappearing into the forest, the rest of the wolves following him but two stayed. Seonghwa walked closer. 

"H-Hongjoong"? Hearing his name, he turned and gave Seonghwa a soft smile. 

"Hey Hwa". The two wolves shifted and Yunho and Mingi walked over as Seonghwa ran forward and pulled Hongjoong into a hug. 

"Your awake"! Hongjoong hugged him back.

"I wasn't gonna be passed out forever Hwa. Of course I woke". Seonghwa pulled away and kissed Hongjoong. He kissed back before hearing footsteps get closer and pulled away and turned. 

"Joong"? Yunho said, walking closer. 

"Hey Yunho". 

"Y-You really meant it when you said you wanted Seonghwa to turn you", Yunho whispered.

"I'm sorry Yunho... But I'm still the same Joong you know", Hongjoong said. Yunho smiled.

"Yeah. But just not... human anymore". Seonghwa soon walked up behind Hongjoong and leaned into his ear. 

"How about we go hunting? You need it". Hongjoong looked over his shoulder at Seonghwa before rubbing his throat.

"I'll take that as a yes". He took Hongjoong's hand and led him into the forest. 

"Wanna race"? Seonghwa asked. 

"Your on". Seonghwa giggled before he began running through the forest, Hongjoong running behind him.

"Try and catch up"!  Hongjoong chuckled and caught up with him before passing Seonghwa.


"How about you try and catch up"! Hongjoong called behind him. Seonghwa chuckled and jumped into the tree, passing Hongjoong easily.

"I won", Seonghwa said, sitting down on a branch. Hongjoong smiled as he jumped up into the tree and sat down next to Seonghwa.

"That was actually quite fun", he said as he looked over to Seonghwa.

"It was fun". Hongjoong hung upside down on the branch and smiled before he caught into a weak but good scent and looked in the direction of it.

"You smelt that too didn't you Joong"? Hwa said as he jumped down, looking up at Hongjoong, who nodded before he jumped down as well.

"I'll let you take this one, is that OK"?

"I-I don't know what I'm doing Hwa", Hongjoong said, turning to him.

"Just follow your instincts". Seonghwa gave him a quick kiss and Hongjoong smiled and nodded before following the scent, letting it lead him to a small herd of deer's. Seonghwa jumped up into a tree and watched as Hongjoong slowly moved closer to one of the deer's before freezing as a stronger scent moved his way, getting pushed by the wind.

"Shit"... Seonghwa muttered, jumping down in front of Hongjoong quietly. The scent was a human's scent and Seonghwa was worried it would set Hongjoong off.

"Joong, don't do it. Focus on the hunt and what's in front of you", Seonghwa said. Hongjoong didn't say anything.

"Joong, listen to me". Hongjoong blinked a few times before looking up at Seonghwa and moving around to see the deer again, not saying a word. Seonghwa watched him, hoping he wouldn't run towards the human scent. 

Hongjoong moved closer to the deer before grabbing hold of it, pinning the deer to the ground and bit down on it's neck. Seonghwa stared at him, surprised but happy. When Hongjoong finished, he pulled away and let the deer drop before looking over at Seonghwa, wiping his mouth.

"Y-you didn't run after the human scent", Seonghwa said, still shocked.

"How"? Hongjoong shrugged.

"I-I don't know".

"Your very different to other newborn vampires".

"How am I different"? Hongjoong asked.

"Any other newborn vampire would head towards a human scent. You didn't. You focused on what was in front of you, the deer".

"Is that a good thing I didn't run towards the human scent"? Hongjoong asked. 

"It's a good thing. I'm actually really surprised". Hongjoong smiled. 

"Let's head back". The two ran back through the forest towards the house.

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