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After hours of watching Keonhee lay still on the bed, Dongju began to worry. Hongjoong walked in after hours and sat on the bed carefully. 

"I don't think I was out for this long", he said.

"Sometimes, different people turn at different times. I can be in a few hours or it can take up to nearly a whole day or two".

"Oh. Well, I just hope he wakes soon".

"Same". They sat there in silence for a bit until Dongju broke the silence.

"How did you meet Keonhee"? He asked, looking over at Hongjoong.

"I met him online a few years ago. When I told him where I was moving to, he was excited and told me I was moving to where he was living and so i was happy. Then I got here and had my first day at school and was able to recognize him".

"That's nice. At least you had a friend with you". Hongjoong smiled. After a few minutes, they heard a small groan and both looked over at Keonhee as he slowly moved his head.

"Keonhee"? Dongju said, holding his hand softly. Keonhee moved his head in his direction and slowly opened his eyes and gave Dongju a small smile.

"Hey Dongju", he whispered. Dongju got off the chair and gave Keonhee a hug. 

"How are you feeling"? Hongjoong asked as he stayed seated on the bed. Keonhee and Dongju pulled apart and he looked at Hongjoong. 

"I'm feeling ok". Hongjoong smiled as he got off the bed and gave Keonhee a hug. As he did, Seonghwa entered.

"Your awake". Keonhee gave Seonghwa and smile. Keonhee swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up.

"Keonhee, i wanna do something with you", Hongjoong said. He looked at Seonghwa, who knew what he had planned and nodded.

"Your still new as well. Be careful", Seonghwa said.

"I will. Stop worrying", Hongjoong replied. Seonghwa smiled as Keonhee followed Hongjoong downstairs and outside. It was still day and where they were was hit by the sun so when they walked out, they walked right into the sun.

"What do you wanna do Joong"? Keonhee asked.

"Well, something all vampires have to do, including you. Try and stay with me". With that, Hongjoong dashed off into the forest. Keonhee took a deep breath before running in after him. When he saw Hongjoong soon stop, Keonhee came to a stop next to him.

"Woah", was all he said. Hongjoong giggled.

"Yes, woah. You'll get used to it after a bit". Keonhee nodded and followed Hongjoong as they walked deeper into the forest.

"What are we doing out here Joong"?

"Well, you just woke up and you need to hunt". Keonhee didn't say anything. He just nodded and continued to follow Hongjoong. They soon entered a small clearing and Hongjoong got down in the long grass. Keonhee got down as well.

"Two deer's, two vampires. Nice", Hongjoong said. Keonhee looked through the grass and saw two deer's nearby.

"You want to go first"? Hongjoong asked.

"Y-you can". Hongjoong nodded and circled around the deer. He then ran towards the deer and tackled it to the ground, biting into his neck. Keonhee watched and was surprised. The other deer a bit further away so it didn't notice anything.

When Hongjoong pulled away, he let the deer drop and made his way back to Keonhee, wiping his mouth.

"Next one is yours OK"? Keonhee nodded.

"Just do what you did right"? Hongjoong nodded. Keonhee moved closer to the deer, staying low as he did. He stayed as quiet as he could the closer he got.

"You can do this", he whispered to himself. Keonhee took a deep breath before he got closer and tackled the deer to the ground. It kicked the air and tried to escape but he held it down before biting down on it's neck. The deer soon stopped moving and layed still before Keonhee pulled away and moved back. 

Hongjoong walked over and smiled, getting down next to Keonhee.

"I-I thought I wouldn't be able to do it", Keonhee said. 

"Well, you did it. It may look hard but it isn't". 

"Yeah". As they spoke, both boys picked up another scent, but stronger.

"Shit"... Hongjoong muttered. He could tell it was a human scent and looked at Keonhee, who had looked in the direction of the scent.

"Keonhee, push it away. Don't go after it". Keonhee didn't answer. Hongjoong touched his shoulder.

"Keonhee, don't. Your strong. Don't go after it", Hongjoong said. Keonhee again didn't answer. Before Hongjoong could do anything, Keonhee disappeared from next to him.

"Fuck! Seonghwa"! He called. They hadn't gone far from the house, so Seonghwa would hear him. Hongjoong ran off after Keonhee and seconds later, was joined by both Seonghwa and Dongju.

"What happened"? Seonghwa asked.

"Keonhee ran after a human scent. I couldn't stop him".

"Shit"... The three soon stopped and saw a human walking alone along a trail, but saw no sign of Keonhee.

"He wouldn't be far right"? Hongjoong asked. 

"Not too sure". Hongjoong sighed and quickly jumped up into a tree and looked around. He soon saw Keonhee nearby, his eyes on the human.

"Guys I found him"! He called. Hongjoong jumped onto a few tree branches before jumping down in front of Keonhee.

"Snap out of it", He said. Keonhee didn't say anything. 

"Keonhee". He stared at the boy in front of him. 

"Move Hongjoong", Keonhee growled. Hongjoong backed away slightly.

"This isn't you. You don't want to hurt a human". Keonhee moved forward slightly before Dongju appeared behind him and grabbed him.

"Keonhee stop please. This isn't you', he whispered. Keonhee froze in his arms and shook his head before looking at Hongjoong. 

"I-I'm sorry", he whispered.

"It's ok. It could've happened to anyone". Dongju hugged him from behind 

"I-I wasn't myself... h-his scent is too strong"... 

"Hey, it's ok. Let's get you back to the house, away from the human scent", Seonghwa said. Keonhee nodded and allowed Dongju to keep his grip on him as he followed the group back to the house.

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