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Keonhee followed Hongjoong and Seonghwa back inside and Hongjoong was instantly dragged to the lounge by Yeosang, who began checking him.

"Sang, I'm fine", He said. The cracks slowly began to fade. 

"Your lucky you didn't die".

"I know. But Keonhee saved me". Yeosang turned to Keonhee. 

"He's lucky you were there". Keonhee smiled.

"Your resting until those cracks are gone".

"Sang, I'm not sitting down doing nothing. I'll stay around the house but I am not sitting around". Yeosang sighed

"Fine". Hongjoong smiled and stood up. Seonghwa walked over to him.

"You wanna do something"? He asked. Hongjoong nodded before turning to Keonhee.

"I'll be back I promise". Keonhee nodded and Hongjoong followed Seonghwa outside. 

"What do you wanna do"? Hongjoong asked. 

"I wanna spend some time with you". Seonghwa kissed Hongjoong, pulling him closer. Hongjoong kissed him back before hissing as a few of the cracks reappeared from his movement.

"I'm sorry Joong", Hwa quickly said.

"It's fine". Seonghwa smiled. 

"Your doing really good controlling yourself around Keonhee".

"I'm surprised myself actually. New vampires usually lose control don't they"? Hongjoong asked.

"They do. But your different", Seonghwa answered.

"I-is that a good thing"? Seonghwa nodded.

"It's a very good thing. It just means your strong and knows how to control yourself". Hongjoong smiled. 

"I guess I hang around you a lot to know right from wrong". Seonghwa chuckled. He looked at the cracks along Hongjoong's neck as they slowly started to fade. 

"You ok Hwa"? 

"Yeah I'm ok. I'm just happy you didn't hurt badly with Taeyong".

"Yeah. Have to thank Keonhee". Seonghwa smiled and kissed Hongjoong's forehead before hearing footsteps and looked out towards the forest. Hongjoong turned, smelling the air before looking back at Seonghwa.

"Wolf"... Hongjoong whispered. 

"I know... We need to get back inside now". Hongjoong nodded and both headed inside.

"Guy"! Seonghwa called. Wooyoung appeared suddenly.

"W-we know. We're in trouble. Taeyong managed to escape and is on his way back here with his pack", Wooyoung said as Keonhee ran down.

"Joong, are we safe"? He asked. 

"I don't really know". Hongjoong gave Keonhee a hug just as the wolves appeared. 

"Shit"... He looked outside as one of the shifted, revealing Taeyong. 

"He needs to fucking go", Hongjoong growled. Keonhee jumped slightly at Hongjoong's tone but said nothing. 

"You tried your hardest last time. But you won't kill me that easily". He looked at Keonhee and growled. Hongjoong stood in front of him. 

"Don't even think about it". 

"Or what? You're just a few steps away from death. I'm gonna finish you this time". Taeyong shifted and charged forward. Hongjoong pushed Keonhee back as he was tackled to the ground, holding Taeyong back as he snapped his jaws at Hongjoong's neck.

"Get off me"! He shouted. San ran over and helped Hongjoong, grabbing a hold of Taeyong and tried to pull him off. Hongjoong tried to push Taeyong off but failed.

"I said... GET OFF"!! He shouted.  He felt something run through him before Taeyong shifted on top of him and screamed. Hongjoong saw small white light coming from under his hand but didn't think much of it. San went to grab Taeyong before he felt something zap him hard and fell back, a shout escaping.

"Sannie"! Wooyoung shouted, running over to him. Taeyong soon fell onto the floor beside Hongjoong. 

"W-what was that"? San asked as he stared at Hongjoong. 

"I-I don't know... Are you ok San"? Hongjoong asked. 

"I think so... That hurt like hell". 

"I'm sorry San. But I don't even know what that was". Hongjoong stood up off the ground as Taeyong moved off the ground and moved back away from Hongjoong.

"I knew I should've killed you before you woke", Taeyong growled. Hongjoong looked at him. 

"Fucking come at me then". Taeyong stood in his place before looking at Keonhee.

"Don't you dare"! Taeyong chuckled and ran forward towards Keonhee, who was frozen in his place. Taeyong threw a punch towards him but Hongjoong jumped in front of him and grabbed his fist. 

"Don't fucking touch him"! Hongjoong shouted. He tightened his grip on Taeyong's fist, causing him to shout as he bones slowly began to crack. 

"Ah shit"! Taeyong shouted. He felt the same thing as before and let himself shock Taeyong before throwing him backwards. He screamed as he fell to the ground. 

"Keep the fuck away from us"! Hongjoong shouted as he stepped forward.

"I should've killed you all when we first met. That treaty never should've been made"! He charged forward and went to tackle Hongjoong, only for Hongjoong to suddenly disappear and reappear behind him, knocking him to the ground.

"Keonhee, get back inside", Seonghwa said, running over to him. He pushed Keonhee inside and stayed in front of him. 

"Taeyong"! Yeosang shouted, stepping forward. Taeyong looked up at him and growled.

"Enough of this! Get off our land! Now"! Taeyong chuckled. 

"Is that any way to treat your older brother Sang? We both know that you were stupid back then to get attacked and turned". Everyone turned to Yeosang in shock.

"S-Sang? Is it true? H-he's your brother"? Jongho asked, scared. But Yeosang didn't answer.

"Don't call yourself my brother! You attacked me when I was turned! A true brother wouldn't attack their family"! Yeosang shouted. 

"Why? Too scared to admit I am your brother? A vampire and werewolf, brothers". 

"Shut up"! Taeyong stood and laughed, staring at Yeosang. 

""I should've killing you when I got the change years ago", Taeyong growled. 

"Sang, just move away from him", Wooyoung said as Hongjoong walked forward.

"Joong, you stay back. You need to rest and heal", Yeosang said.

"He'll kill you. I'm not risking that". Taeyong shifted and jumped towards Yeosang, his jaws open wide. But instead of biting down on Yeosang, he bit down hard on Seonghwa, who had jumped in front of him.

"Hwa"! Joong shouted, running over to him. Seonghwa shouted and Taeyong pulled back before getting tackled by San and Wooyoung. 

"Shit"... Seonghwa whispered. holding his arm tight.

"Joong, get him inside now. I'll give Seoho and his family a call to help". Hongjoong nodded and helped Seonghwa inside. 

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