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The next day, Hongjoong entered the school gates, searching for Seonghwa. He wanted answers. 

"Hey Joong", He heard Keonhee call. 

"Hey Keonhee". 

"Who are you looking for"? Just as Keonhee asked, Hongjoong spotted Seonghwa enter the school with a few other boys behind him.

"I-I'll be back soon". He left Keonhee alone and made his way over to Seonghwa. 

"Seonghwa, we need to talk. Now". Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong and sighed, running a hand through his hair. Hongjoong just grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the forest, ignoring how cold his skin was.

"Woah, Hongjoong, calm down", Seonghwa said. They got deeper into the forest and Hongjoong soon released him, putting his bag down and keeping his back to the older. 

"Don't lie to me. I-I know what you are. You're skin is so cold. You're pale, your change colour. That's not human like". He heard Seonghwa walk forward slowly. 

"Then say what I am if you know". Hongjoong stayed quiet as Seonghwa moved closer.

"Say what I am", Seonghwa said again.

"Y-your a v-vampire"... Hongjoong whispered. He felt Seonghwa right behind him and went to turn before Seonghwa wrapped his arms around him and leaned into his ear. 

"L-let me go please", Hongjoong pleaded. 

"Why? You know what I am? Why don't you just run? Never speak to me again", Seonghwa whispered as he released Hongjoong and backed away slightly. Hongjoong turned to him. 

"Why would I run from you"? He asked. 

"Cause I'm a danger to you. Vampires and humans aren't meant to be together". Hongjoong walked closer. 

"I-I don't care. You don't scare me". He reached out to Seonghwa before the older disappeared from in front of him and appeared in a tree, scaring Hongjoong slightly. 

"You should be scared of me. I'm not human. I survive off of blood. I could kill you if I lose control". 

"Then why didn't you attack me in math"? Hongjoong asked. Seonghwa looked down at him.

"I couldn't. I don't attack humans. Me and my family survive off of animal blood".

"See? You won't ever attack me". Hongjoong moved closer to the tree as Seonghwa moved down onto the lower branch. 

"I could still hurt you. I would never forgive myself if you got hurt because of me". Hongjoong reached up to Seonghwa and grabbed his hand. The older looked at him as he did. 

"I know we just met. But, I trust you. You could never hurt me. I don't care what you are. I-I like you. I saw you and just, fell harder than ever. I was intrigued. You were just so different from everyone else", Hongjoong said. 

"Really"? Hongjoong nodded and smiled. 

"Your also a lot different than other human here", Seonghwa said.

"How so"?

"I can't hear your thoughts. I can hear everyone else's but yours. And it's drives me insane. I've never met anyone who's thoughts I can't read". Seonghwa jumped down from the tree and stood in front of Hongjoong. 

"I don't wanna go back to school today", Hongjoong said. 

"What do you wanna do then"? 

"I wanna know more about you". Seonghwa smiled and took Hongjoong's hand and led him through the forest before coming to a small lake and taking a seat. Hongjoong sat next to him. 

"Ask away", Seonghwa said. 

"How old are you"? Hongjoong asked.

"I'm 18 but I've been 18 for years. In vampire years, I'm 118". Hongjoong's eyes widened. 

"118"?! Seonghwa nodded. 

"What happened for you to be, well, a vampire"? 

"Well, I was born in 1903. When I was 18, I fell ill and my parents didn't have the money for medication for me so I layed in the hospital thinking I would actually die. Yeosang found me and saved me". 

"How old's Yeosang"?

"He's a few years older than me: 125".

"Oh wow". Seonghwa smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, Wow. There's Yeosang, Jongho, Wooyoung and San. Yeosang found and saved each and every one of us". 

"Oh. What happened with them"? Hongjoong asked. 

"Yeosang was apart of a hunting group when he got attacked and turned. Jongho was like me, fell ill and couldn't be saved until Yeosang found him and saved him. Wooyoung was attacked on the street and was left for dead. Yeosang smelled his blood and turned him. San's new, turned about 2-3 years ago. He was beaten badly behind the school". Hongjoong listened and felt his heart ache as Seonghwa spoke. 

"Oh wow. You're all lucky Yeosang saved you". 

"Yeah... but we all live off blood. That's the sad part of this new life. A few years after I was turned, I actually left Yeosang for a bit and ended up starving myself for weeks". Hongjoong's eyes widened.


"I hated what I was. I hid myself amongst the humans and tried my best to blend in. It was hard, but managed for a bit. But after a bit, I couldn't do it anymore and... I-I attacked a passing human in an alley"... Seonghwa stopped and looked down. Hongjoong grabbed his hand carefully. 

"Hey that was years ago. You won't attack me, I know you won't". Seonghwa looked at him and smiled. 

"I hope I don't. I would never forgive myself if I hurt you". 

"I trust you Hwa". Seonghwa stood up and Hongjoong stood up as well. 

"I wanna show you something". He picked Hongjoong up and flipped him onto his back carefully. Hongjoong let out a surprised squeal.

"Warn me next time please". Seonghwa chuckled.

"Sorry Joong. But hold on tight". Hongjoong did what Seonghwa told him to and wrapped his arms tightly around Seonghwa and closed his eyes just as he felt Seonghwa begin to run fast. 

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