Chapter 2

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Day 4 since meeting

Trigger warning there is slight physical abuse in this chapter ⚠️

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Trigger warning there is slight physical abuse in this chapter ⚠️

It's been several days since I last saw the tattooed male whom I now know as Alec. I mean it's not like we exchanged phone numbers or anything. Not like I could even if I wanted to I don't have a phone. Mommy said phones are the devil's way to temptation. But let me tell you Mommy was not happy when she heard about Alec and I conversation.


"Non vorresti sapere" he says with a smirk full of amusement. "what? what do you say? What does that even meannnn? they're not fairrrrrrr I don't even speak, what is it?" I whined pouting a little bit.

I mean can you blame me for whining? All I did was ask him a simple question.  And all he had to do was answer that question in English. But noooooooo he wants to be difficult, and answer in ANOTHER LANGUAGE. But that's fine, if he wants to be stubborn, then two can play this game.

" You know what? On second thought, I don't care what you were going to say. It was probably boring and wasn't even worth my time anyways." I say sassily, flipping my hair and checking my nails, like how I saw some of the girls do in movies. Well at least a small portion of the movie, before mama told me to turn it since they were devil movies. I think the movie was called mean girls.

He seemed shocked for a moment before, quickly changing his expression to amusement. "oh, you don't care at all now, do you?" " nuh-uh, not one bit" I stubbornly say shaking my head. "Okay then, I was going to tell you, but since you don't care and everything I see no point doing so."

........What? "Wait, so you were going to tell me?" I ask immediately dropping the stubborn act. "yeah, but since you wanted to turn into a brat and be all bratty I guess you'll never know." "Nooooooo, wait, please tell me, please. I'm sorry, I was being a brat, I just wanted you to tell answer my question."he just remains quiet."You're a meanie, sir," I said with my arms crossed. He just laughs at my response.

"Whatever you say, kid." "But it's tru-" "jellybean! come on, we're leaving." I look up trying to find Ethan and his friends. Only to find them at the door. "oh, okay guys, on my way" I say getting up, and looking back at Alec. Only to find him staring at me. "jellybean? who was that?"

"That was my best friend and his friends. And believe me, I know, jellybean is a horrible nickname. I've been asking you to stop calling me that, for like 10 years." He just nods, as a way to signal he's listening. "Yep, well I have to go, it was nice talking to you, hope I see you again, bye Alec" "Alec?" "Oh, sorry, I kinda made a new name for you in my head. Sorry if you don't like it, I didn't even mean to say it out loud. Oh, my cupcake you hate it don't you? Of course, you hate it. What type of person makes a whole other name for someone they barely know? I'm sorr-" " Breath, Principessa, you're rambling. Don't you have to go?" "Oh, yea right, bye" he just, nods in response.

After we have said our goodbyes, I ran out the door to where Ethan was. By the time I got there, I saw Ethan's Friends saying their goodbyes. "Hey, why are your friends leaving in a rush?" I ask Ethan, now standing beside side him.

The silence was silent throughout the whole car ride to my house. Until we finally got to my house. That was when he finally looked at me and I could see how angry he was. Uh-oh, "Angelina Jane Heart! how dumb are you!? Really!? Especially since I specially told you to not go near him. He could've hurt or killed you! Did you want that to happen!? Hmm!?" I can feel myself about to cry. He yelled at me...I don't do well at people yelling at me. "I-I'm sor-sorry E-than. Please, please don't be ma-d at me. A-and what- what's wrong with Ale-c? He se-emed nice."

"Alec?! you even gave him a nickname?!" he stops and takes a deep breath before he continues talking again. "Look I'm sorry for yelling at you. I know that was very wrong of me. I was just worried for you, you know? you just never think out what you're doing. And just jump into things without a second thought.  And as your friend, I just want the best for you and for you to be safe.

"It- it's o-okie Ethan, I know that you didn't mean to yell at me," I say wiping my tears away. "Okay, good, but you do know we have to tell your mother about this, you know the rules." "Yes, I know," I say looking at my feet. I'm really not looking forward to this.

(Time skip they tell her mother everything)

"Thank you, Ethan, but if you don't mind I would like to talk to Angelina alone." "That's fine miss heart, I understand, bye jellybean." "bye," I say still looking at my feet, knowing what is about to happen after I hear the front door shut.


"You stupid girl!" she says before she slaps to the ground. "How many times have we warned you about staying away from people, that Ethan and I don't approve of? Or do you wanna be a sinner?! do you want to rot and burn in h*ll for all of eternity?! now go to the closet and pray! pray for forgiveness! I quickly get off the ground and run into the closet to pray for forgiveness.

I never cry when mommy gets like this since I know in my fault. She loves me she would never hurt me if I didn't deserve it right?....Right? Of course not, I was just being a bad girl or mommy's words a sinner. I deserved this.

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