Chapter 6

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Oh, my honey! I have a friend! other than Jill, who is more so like my aunt or mother to me

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Oh, my honey! I have a friend! other than Jill, who is more so like my aunt or mother to me. And Ethan who is more so my crush. I can't believe it!

normally people aren't so nice to me. since I'm quite "weird." Well apparently Alec like my weirdness, he even wants to hang out today! Okie, Okie might not have said that. But I did and he agreed.

Oh, snickerdoodles I forgot to ask my mom! I quickly jumped out of my bed. And look at my alarm clock to see if my mom has left for work yet. When I see that the technological numbers say 7:10. I mentally jump with joy, I still have time. With that knowledge, I quickly ran downstairs to the kitchen.

Once I got down there, I saw her make her normal banana and strawberry smoothie. I have no idea how she likes those. "Hey, mom?"I startled her with my voice since she gasps and turns to look at me with her hand over her heart.

"Angelina! You almost gave me a heart attack! What are you doing awake this early? You mostly sleep till noon." I sheepishly put my head down at the tone of her voice. Great, you already made her mad and I haven't even been here for a minute. Why can't you just be a good daughter instead of ruining things? "I'm sorry"

"It's fine, now what was it that you want to tell me?" she asked, turning back around to her smoothie. "Well, I was wondering if I could perhaps, maybe only if you'll approve-" "Get to the point Angelina! You know how I hate when you are rambling. You just go on and on and never stop. Now tell me or you are going to make me late for work." Mother snaps, spinning around to face me again.

I immediately put my arms up for shelter and put my head down. "Sorry" I whimper, mom slowly sigh before she begins to talk again. "I'm sorry Angelina, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I just been stressed with work, now what is it that you wanted to ask me?"

"I was wondering if I could go could to Jills today." I ask shyly "Today? I didn't know you and Ethan had plans today. I thought that was Thursday."

"We don't! It's just I kinda want to go today. Plus she will be watching me. Making sure that I'd be good. Which I promise I will do!" I say in a hurry once I realized my mistake. As in sounding as though I planned to be bad.

"Hm, you do have a point. Well, Ethan did tell me that you were on your best behavior yesterday. That you followed all the rules and didn't complain once. Ok, you can go today", I mentally jump in joy. "BUT only for today, do you understand? Think of this as a reward, but remember rewards can be taken away." "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you," I say before going to hug her. Before I can though she puts her hands up and pushes me away. Oh, yeah I forgot. The no touching/physical affection rule.

"You're welcome, now I gotta go to work." "Thank you so much," I say before running upstairs to get ready. I wonder what I should wear today.

It can't be anything childish. I would hate to embarrass myself, or Alec on the first day of friendship begins. That would be horrible. Though at the same time Alec, haven't made a bad comment about how I dressed. Thinking about it now Alec seems to could care less about what I wear. And no I don't mean that in a pervy way.

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