Chapter 13

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Sembra che questi stronzi non riesca a fare niente di giusto

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Sembra che questi stronzi non riesca a fare niente di giusto. Se non tengo le loro fottute mani.
* This fuckers can't seem to do anything right. If I'm not holding their fucking hands.*

I let out a sign of air, as I hear my phone yet again vibrate. Must be Angelina, she been making Jill keep in contact. To make sure that I am still alive and breathing.

And although, I love the idea of her caring for my well-being. I honestly can not give a single fuck to text back. The stack of files, of shipments delay. And all the other shit, apparently my men can't do when I'm not here.

I admit, I been lacking in my focus lately. But how couldn't I? When I had an adorably annoying headache of an girl by my side.

At first I didn't know what it was that amused me when I saw her. But she was odd, and like a moth to flame. She soon captured my attention.

Every waking fiber of my body wanted her beside me now. To be able to hold her, maybe thing I wouldn't feel like putting an bullet through these shitheads.

I lightly laugh at the image of her scolding me for my language. Telling me to start behaving well, otherwise I be "getting no cuddles for a week." Even though we bother know she wouldn't make it day.

Or maybe that what I tell myself. To make myself feel better and less so like an bitch on a leash. Waiting for whatever her next command may be. Shit, she got me trained good.

I wonder if she had fun with that girl? Wonder if she had bought anything? She seemed worried last time. Fuck her so call family for making her feel this way. I know she didn't out right say it. Though I can tell. She's hiding something. I tried to find a background check on her but I couldn't find anything.

Maybe I should give her something when I see her? Well that is only if she been good though. Lately she has been more and more like an walking brat. And although I tell her to stop, I can't deny how much I love it. I can't tell if it the way her eyes gleam in mischief. Or the blush that spreads, when I grab her.

I catch myself smiling just by the thought of her. Accidenti, cazzo, metti insieme il tuo fottuto atto. E smettila di comportarti come una fottuta stronza.
* Damn, fuck get your fucking act together. And stop acting like an fucking bitch*

"Xander! Mate! Shit- dude I need you now I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind at the moment." I hear that yet familiar annoying voice. the familiar headache that comes with it, like clockwork.

"What it is this time Enzo?" I ask rubbing my temple. Mentally trying to prepare myself for this long drawn out bullshit of an story.

Last time he was like this. He was trying to convince me that he had found an talking cat. All because in his words, it sounded as though it said "hello", when it meowed.


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" So i was at this cafe right? And, and I- shit dude, I don't even know where to start. I saw her! I bumped into her!. But she she didn't even recognize me, but i know it was her!" He claims before slumping down in the chair infront of my desk.

By his erratic tone of voice. I can piece together what "her" he is referring to. " Enzo, I know it's almost the anni-" "it was her though! She had her eyes, her mole, I-I just know it. Fuck, why didn't I say anything when I saw her. I'm her fucking brother! and I didn't say anything." He says, running her fingers through his hair.

Enzo had lost his litter sister, when he was 8 years old. When we had all gone to the park, and lost track of her. I remember them being the closest, you wouldn't see one without the other.

She was the family little princess, and he was her knight. The family were crushed when she had gone missing. Although Enzo had blamed himself the most. And made it his life mission to finding her.

"Lina, is gone Enzo, we need to accept
th-" "NO! Our Lina is still out there!"

I can tell I'm getting nowhere, so I decide if best to drop the conversation. "Okay" "I'm sorry, I'm just, shit, it's-" "I get it, it's sensitive"

After that it went silent after a while. "You're still coming to the gathering?" I finally turn to look at him again. " Yes," he looked relieved at my answer. "Okay good, more would love for you to be there. She constantly talking about, how you need to show up more."

I just hum in response, thinking off into the distance. It gets quiet again, he seem to take that as his cue to leave. Once he got to the door, that when i decided to talk again. "You know I also miss her right?" I say, looking at him at the door. He nods , his head once. " Yeah, I know" with a grim smile, before walking out the door.

I let out the puff of air I was holding in. Could Lina, actually still be out there? The sound of my phone vibrating. Gets me out of my trance, upon opening the message brought a smile to my face.

(Little mouse) reds phone
Hey hey :)
Are you still alive out there?
(Little mouse) reds phone
Okiee good!! I miss you, do you miss me?
(Little mouse) reds phone
That's so sweet, I knew you had it in ya. Now be safe! Dont get killed!!!


(Little mouse) reds phone

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