Chapter 20

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I wake up to the feeling of someone kissing my neck

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I wake up to the feeling of someone kissing my neck. As a wet sensation run down my collar. I slightly squirm, trying to wake up.

But soon just accept, the overwhelming feeling. Trying to push my thighs together. To cool off this new sensation I have never felt before

Though we're stopped when a hand, separated my legs again.

"Mm, non ora topa"
(Mm, not now mouse)

As he travel his hands up my thighs, grabbing my hips. Pulling me to connect to his own movements.

I feel my head start to spin, not wanting to stop.

As the feeling of him making me rub against him. And the wet sensation of his tongue all began to feel too much.

"Angel wake up, Bambino"

Huh? Wake up? I thought I was a-

I wake up, throwing myself straight upwards. Only to have Alec push my body back down.

"Breathe Angel, I didn't mean to startle you" he says with a light chuckle. was a dream?

"Oh, no you didn't startle me. Really I just a vivid dream that's all."

A very vivid dream, I thought to myself.

"Mm, if you claim so. I was thinking about going somewhere? We both had a nice nap, and the sun is still out."

"Oh, where were you thinking about going?"

"Anywhere you would like?"

"Hmm, I don't really know of any place. I was never really allowed to leave my house before. But I would love to go to the zoo!"

He just nod his head, "then it's settled." He says, sitting up.

I can't believe it was all a dream.

"Oh, Angel," "hm?" "Just wanted to let you know you talk in your sleep." He says, winking at me, before getting off the bed.

I could feel my face heat up immediately

"Oh-oh really? I didn't know that" trying to act as if that new form of information didn't just embarrass me.

He just chuckled, grabbing my face. Bending down on my level.

"Adorabile", he says, before kissing my forehead.

"I'm going to take a shower." He states, as if nothing had happened

How can he be so nonchalant about everything.

"Wait, um could I come with you?" His eyes became wide, as his body got tense. "I get that's a odd request and you can say no. But um, yeah, nevermind it was-" im cut off by being picked up, and thrown over his shoulders.

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