Chapter 19

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3 months

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3 months

I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that I like him. I actually have feelings for Alec, how will he even react to this? Will I tell him? Should I tell him? Could he feel the same for me?

I sort of been avoiding him, since the whole thing. And I been feeling incredibly guilty for it.

I just don't know how I will face him.

But today, I'm going to his house to talk to him. I'm not going to confess yet. But I miss him, and Holland had told me that she would give me a ride.

I slip on his sweatshirt that he had gave me. And pulled on some of my fuzzy socks, and white chunky plate form shoes.

 And pulled on some of my fuzzy socks, and white chunky plate form shoes

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Making my way downstairs, to Holland car that waiting for me.

Mama isn't going to be here for several days. And I'm taking full advantage of it all.

And although I know that one part of me should feel guilty. I can't help but to finally feel free, from it all. I have also made an decision lately.

One that I thought I would never make, nor one that I ever thought of making true.

I'm going to leave

I can't believe it myself either. I never thought I would ever think of the idea of leaving my mother. But, something has just changed in me?

I think it from hanging out with Holland and Alec. They seemed to give me this newfound perspective on life? Not in a toxic manner, which is a new word I had learned from Holland.

I just think they had open me to the idea. Of that it's more in life than following everyone elses rules.

Bitch I'm outside
I quickly walk out the door, looking back at the life i soon to leave.

Holland had talked me into when I turn eighteen to move in with her. She said that it would be no problem. But I'm not quite sure on that whole idea. Although it is quite tempting.

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