Chapter 3

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1 week since meeting

But back to what I was saying, it had been a week since Mama found out about my conversation with Alec

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But back to what I was saying, it had been a week since Mama found out about my conversation with Alec. And, she has just now forgiven me, for what had happened. The bad news is that I am constantly being watched now. Rather by my mom or when Ethan is over since I wasn't trusted to leave the house. The good news, though is that I am finally allowed to go outside again.

Like, today, for example, I was given permission to go to the café, to meet up with Ethan. He said this is his way of making up, for the fact that he yelled at me. Normally, he would've come to pick me up. But he said he couldn't do that today, but he will definitely meet me there.

It's not like I minded  walking there. it's about a 5 miles walk there. which is quite nice, since I don't get to leave my house much. So when I do get a chance to walk around, it is not like I would pass it. I like feeling the air of the cool September breeze and seeing the beautiful changes in the trees.

At the moment I am getting dressed. I have decided to wear my blue jumper that has a white fluffy cloud on it, my white pleated skirt, my striped white and blue over-the-knee socks, with my Mary Janes.  And another of my purses that I made, but this one is a bunny with blue eyes.

  And another of my purses that I made, but this one is a bunny with blue eyes

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( imagine the jumper being blue)

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( imagine the jumper being blue)

Once I was finished getting dressed, I went downstairs to say bye to mommy. "Bye-bye, mama, love you, I'm going I'm on my way to the café. Would you like me to bring you anything?" "Oh, that's sweet of you, but no thank you, be safe remember the rules-" "Yes, I know, no talking to boys, stay away from sinners, and only talk to people that Ethan says I'm allowed to talk to. Now I have to go, I don't wanna make Ethan wait for me. Bye, love you."

The walk there felt nice, though it was a long walk. It is very calming and peaceful to see all the people. Rather it was by them walking or driving to work or heading back home. Just seeing the city filled with people is just a peaceful sight. Once I finally got to the café, I went to find a table to sit at. After a while of looking, I found a perfect window seat.

I couldn't help to look around, in hopes of seeing the tattooed male. I know mama and Ethan have a warning me to stay away. But I just can't help myself to be entranced by the ink-covered male. but that hope quickly vanishes once I saw that he was nowhere to be seen.

After my disappointment had disappeared, I started to look to see if I saw Ethan anywhere. I looked at the clock to make sure that I have gotten the time correct. As I looked up I saw that the time with 2:30. The exact time that Ethan said that he will meet me. Maybe he running late or got stuck in traffic. Yeah, that's most likely what it is. Don't overthink.

4 hours later

it's been four hours and Ethan has still yet to arrive. Did he forget about me? no, no that can't be it. Something must've come up, but why hasn't he tried to call Jill to tell me? Maybe it was so important that he was in a rush. Don't overthink, you know how much he hates when you overthink. You don't wanna be a nuisance, do you? like you always are. I thought as I got up to leave. Seeing as Jill was about to close up the place. Guess I should start walking home, or maybe I could ask Jill to give me a ride home. I look back at her seeing her cleaning the place. On second thought I'll just walk, she looks tired, and I would hate to bother her

Once, I stepped foot outside, I realized how much cooler the weather I've gotten. The once crystal blue sky with big white fluffy clouds has now turned into a pinkish orange color with the moon and a few stars on full display. And then once, a busy street that was filled with cars, is now bare at the sight.

As I started to walk, I started to feel as though I was being watched. It is probably just in your head, and if it is someone they probably just want to ask for directions and don't know how to ask. And with that thought, I continue walking in peace.

No sooner than I had that thought, a man walked up to me. I hate to say anything about someone, but the man reeked from some kind of smell. But I can't judge him by appearance and smell. For all that I know, he could have some financial issues.

"Excuse me, do you mind telling me how to get to Westview Street? See he just wanted some directions, there was no reason to be nervous. " Oh, I don't mind, you just have to walk straight, then turn left when you get to the McDonald's building." I have always wanted to eat something from there. I sometimes see Ethan's friends eat from there.

As I was about to walk away, two other men popped up and grabbed both sides of my arm. Pulling me to a more secluded area "what are you doing?! Let me go! Please! I need to get home!" "Oh she's a screamer, we got lucky tonight didn't we boys? I can tell this one going to be fun. Scream all you want chérie but you aren't going anywhere."

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