Chapter 16

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Something is wrong, I can feel it before I even open the door

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Something is wrong, I can feel it before I even open the door. The atmosphere feel off, cold to be exact. Maybe now so a bad time?

I slowly knock on the door waiting to hear for a response. But get noting in return, making myself aware of what the possible outcome might be.

"Angel" I trying to make my presence known. Seeing as she didn't respond by the sound of knocking.

I saw her body freeze in response of me coming in. Before taking a deep breath of relief.

What all have I missed?

"You can back?" She ask, as if she is confused. Though in some type of way, in a trance at the same time.

"I told you I would" I say, taking a small step forward. Why wouldn't I? I promise I would come back..

I would always come back for you

In response, she had took a step backwards

That seems to still not be the right response. As she still seem as though she is on edge about the hold thing. As she is rocking on her heels, and peeling at her hands.

"But why?" She seems as though she can't quite grasp if that is a question she wants to ask. As I can see a mental wall starts to build up against us.

Trying to push me away at all cause? Though at the same time desperately trying to reach out.

"Because I care" it's a simple answer at best, though a answer nevertheless. I have given up on questioning the who's and whys.

She seemed surprised, maybe shock the word I'm looking for. She sort of just stood there for a second, not saying a word. Though her expression spoke volumes, that filled this silence.

"What?" She asks, in an skeptical tone. Almost as if she is trying to read my intentions. Rather than trusting me all along.

And in one way, I'm sort of proud of this new found security she has for herself. Though, on the other hand I am oddly hurt that it is focused on me.

"I care for you"

That really must've sealed the deal, as an tsunami of tears pour down. Before running to me, trying to find comfort. Though I can tell, she still isn't as comfortable as she would like.

By the way she is silently shuffling her feet around. And moving every other second, pulling away before moving close once again.

"Can we go home" Her voice sounded drain, as if all the will she had vanished. As she was left drain, asks almost voided at the time.

We silently got her bags before making our way downstairs to my car. And although a part of me wanted to be with her. I thought it would be best if I were to have some distance.

Seeing as the way she has been acting. And although it hurts me, that she is suddenly scared of being near me. This situation or problem isn't about me at the moment. And I need to separate my own personal feelings. To be able to find out what going on with her.

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