Chapter 23

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I don't want to leave him, and I know I be back

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I don't want to leave him, and I know I be back. But I know it's the right thing to do. I mean the women raised me. I can't just abandon her, at least not just like this.

We been awake for about, I would be maybe two hours now? Alec wanted to wake me up to some birthday breakfast. Isn't that just so sweet of him?

Afterwards he going to drop me off to my moms house then take me back home. I'm staying with her for a few hours. Which works perfectly, cause Alec mentioned he has some plans to take care of.

I am now an adult, and the right of my own decisions.

Adult, such a funny word, I never thought I would see the day I would acknowledge the capability of leaving. And to be free to make my own decisions.

We're currently still laying in bed, knowing that we should've gotten up around thirty minutes ago. But not having the motivation to do so.

I know he doesn't like the idea of me going back. And I don't blame him, I'm not a fan of the idea. But I can't just abandon her? She raised me, I can't be more of a burden to her.

I feel a slight slap on my thigh, making me turn to Alec. Only to find him staring into me, I guess he could tell where my thoughts were heading.

Without saying a word he just pulls me closer to his chest. Giving me a small kiss on my neck.

I know this isn't normal friend behavior. I just don't know what to call it? Believe, I have tried to tell him, that I have feelings for him.

And I don't know, I think I'm just scared. What if he doesn't feel the same? But if that were the case, why does he kiss me?

"Alec, we need to get ready. It's almost time for mom to get off work." The only response I get, is that his grip on me tightens.

I know neither of us like the idea. But I promised him that would come back. And that he could pick me up at Jill's.

"Come on, we need to shower and get dressed. We can't just chill on our pajamas the whole day" I say laughing, trying to get out of his tight grip.

He sighs, before reluctantly let go of his grip. Only to turn us over, having me on my back look up at him. While his arms cage me i between him.

We were only about three inches away from each other. I couldn't help of flutter my eyes, between his to his lips. Calling them to me, as the intensity of our distance. And the undeniable urge to get a press mine against.

I can feel my heart pounding, but I could feel Alec's as well, his harsh breath, matching my own. As his eyes scan my face, before settling on my lips.

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