Chapter 10

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1 month of knowing each other

It's been several days since the whole meeting Holland thing took place

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It's been several days since the whole meeting Holland thing took place. But I also haven't seen Alec since then. Did I do something wrong? Have I finally pushed him away?

I need to talk to Jill, feeling as though I'm going to lose my mind with all these what-ifs. And hopefully, he'll show up today.

I can't believe it's been a month since the first time we met. Well, met. Granted, I did kind of force him with my presence. But it all worked out in the end, right? Well, I hope so, at the very least.

I don't think I've even shown him my whole personality yet. Such as my hobbies, movies, and shows that I like to watch. I mean, sure, you've heard me talk about them. Maybe that was too much for him to handle. He did seem very uninterested as to what I was talking about at the time.

I don't know maybe Ethan was right. I would just be embarrassing myself after all. I just stop thinking about this stuff, I just talked to Jill when I saw her.

I quickly grab my tan pumpkin sweater and my beige skirt. Quickly put it on, before I put on my chunky white sneakers. Add some tan leg warmers, to put over the top of them

 Add some tan leg warmers, to put over the top of them

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The walk there felt shorter than normal. Maybe because I was mostly in my thoughts. "Jill, I need some advice. " "Advice? What kind?" "It's about Alec" "oh, I don't know if I could help you with that."

"Please, tell me everything you know. "There isn't much to tell you. Other than the basics, everyone knows to never touch him. I know you, call him this "Alec." Maybe perhaps, call him by his name? as a way of respect.

I've also noticed how you would bake sweets, maybe it's just me but he doesn't seem to be quite a fan of the" I've been doing everything wrong! No wonder he has stopped seeing me! He must have felt so uncomfortable being my friend. I can fix this, I have to fix this, well somehow at least.

"Thank you," I say, before running to my room.

I can fix this, what are all the things that I need to get rid of? I scan my room looking for any signs that might annoy him. Plushies! I quickly stuff my plushies under my bed. Okay, now just remember what Jill said.

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