Chapter 7

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I woke up today slightly differently from normal

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I woke up today slightly differently from normal. Couldn't quite tell why. Until I was hit by the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen.

mom? She's still here? Wait what if it's not her, but the bad guy? That has broken into the house. Wait, why would they make breakfast? That doesn't make any sense. Stop being so ridiculous Angelina. Why are you so stupid, just go and see.

But what if there's actually nobody down there? What if I'm actually all by myself? But I'm just imagining all this. Or what if someone is actually down there? And they are trying to trick me? Shut up! It's too early for all that overthinking.

"Mom?" "Oh, good morning honey. I was just about to wake you. I made breakfast for us." She says facing me. That's odd, mama never fixes breakfast for us. Well, for me to be exact.

"Good morning, mama," I say, looking at all the food. "This all looks delicious." "Thank you, will you set the plates for me?" "Sure," I say, making my way to the white cabinet. Picking up two white plain plates. and some plain silverware, while my mom put the food on the table.

"Now, before we touch the food, let's pray. Come on, join hands and say grace." I love this part, I know it might be small. But this is the only time mama voluntarily holds my hand!

"Amen," mama says, letting go of my hand. And begins to scoop a large portion of eggs onto her plate. Am I allowed to eat this time? Or watch? I mean I've been good. Well from what she knows of at least.

I slowly reach over for a small scoop of eggs. Not too much of course. About half a scramble egg is worth on my plate. I stopped before I attempted to get anything else. Waiting to see if I was allowed to.

When I made a move to reach over. For a piece of bacon. I felt a cold, firm hand get a hold of mine to stop me.

"Angelina, you know we've talked about this. Just eat your eggs, okay?" Mom says, with a tight-lip smile but a stern voice. I know the ending sounded like a question. But I know, well enough that it was an order.

I guess I was wrong, good for you Angelina. You can't even go 15 minutes without messing things up. Just like normal, this is why nobody likes you. Well, that's not totally true, Jill likes me. And Alec does too! Well, at least I think he does. What if he is faking?! No, no he doesn't seem like the type to be that mean. He seems like the type to not play games with the person, but be straightforward. Wish I could go see him today.

I don't know why, but I feel safe with him. I mean he did admit to killing people! What type of sane person stays around after hearing that? And the fact that I asked him to hang out again?! Maybe I am actually insane.

I mean true, he did say he doesn't kill innocent people. That got to make up for something right? But what does he count as innocent? Am I innocent? I mean I lie and that's a sin right?! Does that mean he's going to kill me!?

But then again, so far he has been one of the nicest people I've met. I mean he even let me hug him! Well kinda, he kinda just stood there. that he didn't push, shove, or yell at me.

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