Chapter 22

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When we got home, I barely had enough time to process we had parked

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When we got home, I barely had enough time to process we had parked. Before he took the keys out of the ignition. Getting out, walking over to my side of the car and picking me up.

"Alec?" He stays silent, making his way into the house. Going upstairs, with me still on his hip. Before throwing me on the bed.

He had a dark look in his eyes, and I knew something had happen. "Up" I raised my arms and within seconds my shirt was completely thrown off me.

I didn't feel frighten or embarrassed to be bare infront of him like this. But I was starting to worry for his mental state.

"Alec?" And just like that my skirt was soon gone also. Leaving me completely naked with nothing but my panties.

I was soon thrown a black shirt. Quickly putting it on, realizing it was the same shirt he was wearing mere seconds ago. As he begin to strip infront of me. In only his black briefs alone.

"Alec look at me what's wrong?" Trying to get him to sit down. Grabbing his arm, pulling him to my direction of the bed.

"You got to look at me, what happen back there?" Still I was met with no response. Other than, him now sitting by my side.

What is going on with him? What happen in the time that so was away?

"Baby?" He turns to look at me, with eyes that feel lost into the world around us. "Are you okay?" I ask him, pushing his chest, so now that we are both laying down. As my other hand, run through his hair."

"Need you" he barely whispered, which was his only response, looking up at me. Eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips. With eyes seeking some type of longing.

"You have me" I whispered back to him. Leaning further down to him. Only about a whisper away from his lips.

He just brings me closer, but turns his head to be suffocated by my hair. "It's your birthday tomorrow" he remembers, " It be our 4 months tomorrow." I wonder if he knew that? Is it weird to keep up? "you're leaving me tomorrow" "I be back"

"Alec, is that why you went all silent? You realized I'm leaving tomorrow?" I was met with silence once again.

"Alec, you know I will be back? You asked me yourself, to live with you. And of course I want to live with you. But I can't just abandon my mother either. I want to at least say goodbye to her before I leave for good."

I felt a cool kiss on my neck, signaling that he was listening to me. "I want you to myself" "you are such a teddy bear" I couldn't help but laugh, cause how is a man who everyone fears. Also become the world cutest, and sweetest teddy bear.

I felt a small bite in retaliation. "Ow! Okay let me correct myself. A grumpy teddy bear, but a teddy bear nevertheless.

Now could you answer one of my questions? What was
The meaning for me to strip to quickly? Why were you in such a hurry? Is this about the zoo incident?" I was met with silence yet again. Wow such a progressive conversation. Can you note the sarcasm,

"Sure I didn't approve, nor did I like any of his advance towards me. But why did my clothes bother you when we got home?" " I want you to be mine"

I felt my heart, do a whole cartwheel in excitement. Does he mean that in the way I want him too?

I'm already yours," ans within seconds I am completely under him. "Say it again"

"I'm already yours" with those words alone, I felt every ounce of anger disappear

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"I'm already yours" with those words alone, I felt every ounce of anger disappear. As I flip her to be completely under me.

Does she means that the way I want her to mean it?

"Say it again" even if she means it in the simple, stance of her being in my life. Even if she meant in in the way of her being my friend. I needed to be able to her he say those words again.

"Yours" I immediately engulfed her in my arms. Showering his neck with small, yet slow kisses all
The way down.

Hearing her gasp, moan, and the feeling of he back arching of the pleasure of it all. My baby is so sensitive for me, so ready for me to touch her. Using my hand to brush some of her hair out of my way. As I continue the assault on her neck.

"Nm, mmh, A-Alec" she would moan and whisper out to me.

I should stop this, I should stop now.

And just when that thought had enter my head. I felt her sharp nails slid across my back. "Mm d-don't stop" she whimpered, squirming her body around. Trying to squeeze her thighs together.

But can't, with having my frame in between her.

As her legs wrapped around my hips. And her arms go around my shoulders. As her fingers become tangled in my hairs. Pulling and tugging, which cause me to let out groans of approval.

Feeling her become wet by the actions I'm doing: as her body subconsciously start to grind against mine.

I can feel myself getting hard, and with the thin material of both our material. I know I need to stop this.

Trying to pulling back, only to be jerked back as she reaches up and suck on my neck. Causing me to let out a long groans, as I feel her body move against mine.

"Fanculo piccola non sai quanto ti voglio. Sei una piccola presa in giro del cazzo, quanto mi sto trattenendo"

Fuck little one you don't know how much I want you. You're a fucking little tease, how much I'm holding back"

"Allora non trattenerti"

Then don't hold back

I could've came then and there, if her words didn't shock me then her speaking Italian did

"Mm seem like my little mouse want to be used. If that the case? Do you like it when I kiss your neck?" Running my tongue now over her collarbone to her shoulder.

I need to stop, this isn't right for me to do. She doesn't know what she is asking for. With that thought I rolled off her.

"Why you stop?" She pants out, looking at me confused.

"No reason baby, time for you to sleep. Got a busy day tomorrow ahead." 

She rolls over to her side facing me. Throwing her arms around me. Wraps her leg around me. To the point I am pressed against her still wet, and oh so inviting pussy. As I try to use all the force of physics to calm down my ragging hard on.

This girl is going to be the death of me. And if I'm being honest? I'm fine with that.

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