Chapter 24

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We're finally in the car to leave, and I can't help but feel this gut feeling. That something bad is going to happen.

I try my best to push it down. And act as though everything is perfectly fine. But I think Alec can tell, that's not the truth.

He also seems a bit restless. But he has been like that ever since our shower. Did I do something wrong?

"Did I do something wrong? Be honest? You seem restless?" Finally asking the big question. This anxious feeling is killing me:

"No? Why do you ask?"

"I don't know it just you seem a bit tense? Ever since the shower, did I do something wrong. If so, can you please tell me what I done?"

He moves one of his hands from the sterling wheel to my thigh. Giving it a small squeeze, before letting go.

"No, baby, you haven't done anything wrong. I'm sorry I have given you the wrong impression. I loved the shower, Troppo."

(Too much)

"Okay, just making sure, I would hate to upset you."

I look out the window seeing the familiar houses pass by. Trying to calm down my racing heart. Trying my best to prepare myself. Knowing what is going to happen.

I slowly get out of the car, walking to the familiar door. Of what I used to call my home. But as I look at the house now. It feel as though anything but that.

The white, colorless walls make me feel like a prisoner. And in some sense, I was just that. And I know that's wrong of me to compare myself.

But after all this months, learning that normal people don't justify this abuse. Abuse, a word I never thought I would link with my mother. But it was just that, abuse, no remorse.

And today the day, that I will break free from the chain. And make my own decisions, and staring with that. Is telling her, that I am leaving her.

I make my way to, what use to be, my room. Looking at the lifeless scene infront of me.

Sitting on the bed, looking at the alarm clock beside me. Blinking the numbers, waiting for the next painful ten minutes.

After what felt like an eternity, I heard the door open. And the sound of running water. I quickly go downstairs to greet her.

"Hello, how was your trip?" I try my best to start it off with small talk.

She just give me a scowl, before her harsh voice ring among the house.

"What did I tell you about asking me question?"

Normally I would've feel guilt, of shameful. But instead I felt nothing? This isn't the moment I back down anymore. No, this is my time to show mother the person I am.

"Yes mother, how was your trip?" I ask yet again, no backing down.

She stalks towards me, before slapping me harshly. With such a force, it turns my head with her. I simply just turn my head, facing her yet again.

She just stares at me, harsh breathe, as she stares at me wide eyed. As I stare back her emotionless, before i would've begged for her. Crying on the floor, begging her to forgive.

All of a sudden her eyes zone into my shoulder. Before she grabs my sleeve. Pulling it on the side, exposing my shoulder fully.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" She hollers, staring at one of the marks Alec had made.

"What have a told you?! Why must you sell you body to the devil himself?! Becoming one of his personal whores. What must you disgrace me?! Why must you have no shame.

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