Chapter 12

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He looks at me, raising an eyebrow

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He looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "Are you done with your little tantrum? You asked me to be here." "Yes, and I'm starting to regret doing so," I mumble under my breath.

He just sighs, before responding. "You're trying too hard," I look down at my high-waisted black pants. which quite frankly feels as though they are cutting into my blood flow into my stomach. And a white blouse, tucked in.

"What do you mean?" "You're going to the mall, not a job interview." Okay, he has a point. Plus, I'm not comfortable with this at all. "Okay, can you at least pick something, please? Holland really liked what you chose last time." He just gives me a look, as if asking me if it were for real.

"Come on, please?" He just sighs for a bit. Pinching the bridge on his nose. "Fine," he says making his way to my closet. "Yay! Thank you!" I say, already trying to shimmy myself out of these gut-stabbing pants. How do people wear these and eat? I feel as though they are squeezing my insides together.

"So, any idea-" I am cut off, by a sweater and a skirt hitting my face. "Try this, you're way too comfortable undressing in front of others." He says, not facing me. "Is that bad? oh, this is so cute!" "Mhm "

I just poke my tongue out at him in response. As he just shakes his head. Oo, this is cute together. Quickly putting on the crop top, before sliding the skirt on.

Uh oh, "help? Think the skirt is stuck." This time he turns to face me. "Stuck?" "Yeah, definitely stuck it won't go any higher! I say slightly jumping hoping the skirt will somehow make it past my thighs.

"Try over your head?" yeah maybe, Now attempting to pull the skirt off. But the skirt won't move at all. "It won't come off! I might die this way, that is so embarrassing! get a knife or scissors!? I am cutting my way out of this. "I say, close to tears.

I do not care if I am being overdramatic. As though my panic level is getting higher and higher. And I did not plan on having a panic attack today. "Calm down" "Calm down? Calm down?! I am losing blood flow as we speak! You are telling me to come dow-" I am cut off by a cool sensation of metal rings on my cheek and jaw.

As Alec grabs my throat with his pinky and thumb on my jaw. "Smettila di urlare prima che ti dia qualcosa per cui urlare davvero. Now, do you want to allow me to help? Yes?" "Yes, please" he just nods

(Stop screaming before I give you something to scream about.)

"Sit" I immediately take a seat on the edge of the bed. How is this supposed- wow. I am caught off guard at the sight of Alex on his knees below me. Easily tugging the skirt off. Not fair that everything comes so easy for him, show off.

I could see, a tint of amusement in his eyes as he held the skirt on the tip of his finger. "Again? Or no?" "Again, please"

He just nods his head in response. "Arms up" I obediently comply with his demand. I could tell he was slightly amused by this action. Him letting out a small smile, that he tries to hide.

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