Chapter 4

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As I was about to walk away, two other men popped up and grabbed both sides of my arm

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As I was about to walk away, two other men popped up and grabbed both sides of my arm. Pulling me to a more secluded area "what are you doing?! Let me go! Please! I need to get home!" "Oh she's a screamer, we got lucky tonight didn't we boys? I can tell this one going to be fun. Scream all you want chérie but you aren't going anywhere."

What is happening? Why is this happing? I'm so confused. How did I go from giving a man directions, to getting dragged to an alley? What could they possibly want from me? Wait, are these the sinner that my mama the warning me about? Oh no, is this my punishment for being a bad girl? I mean mama did always tell me that the way that I dress was a sin. And one bad man will come after me. She never told me what they would do, she just said it would be my fault.

My thoughts are cut off by the feeling of a hand grabbing my inner upper thigh. And another nearing my bra. "Were you spacing out on us? Big mistake chérie." One of them said in my ear, I can't move, it is as if my body is paralyzed in fear. Although I don't know what is happening, my brain and body are alarmed.

"P-Please stop" I somehow managed to make myself say. "I love when they beg, now tell me how you saw a grown man's cock before?"He says in my ear, as he thrust something on my thigh. Well the other one of them started to smell while rubbing himself on me. While the last one just smiles for a second before he grabbed both my hands and raised them over my head and pulled my shirt over my chest. But before they could touch me, even more than they already had. they were pushed off of me.

Although, I was now free to move. My body could do nothing more than slide down the wall. As I slowly proceed to what had just had to happen.

At the moment I'm in my office looking over all the paperwork

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At the moment I'm in my office looking over all the paperwork. About to leave to go home.

I couldn't help but think back to the weird rambling girl. It was as if she never have heard of me. She has to be crazy, cause I have never in my life met someone as bubbly and clearly innocent as her. But at the same time, she seemed lost, fragile even.

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