Chapter 15

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2 months

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2 months

It has offciaclly reached the pushing mark of two weeks

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It has offciaclly reached the pushing mark of two weeks. Since the last time I have seen alec. Does he hate me? Will he treat me the same way as Ethan? My body immediatly shudder, at the though of the name.

How could everything I thought I have known. Change so quickly, right infront of me? Has Ethan always treated me as badly? As if I was just his toy, he could play whenever he got bored. why was I so blind to all the signs?

I haven't left my room in a week. Haven't eaten in days, even if I were allowed. I probably wouldn't be about to keep anything down. My nerves feel as though they had hit me. As if a brick has fell on me. As the realization has fully sunken in.

He was planning to rape me

I didn't want it though....did I? No! I didn't want it, I didn't want it at all. I been trying my best to remember that statement. Trying to force his hands and lips out of my memory. Trying to replace and neglect the actions that had took place

I have taken shower after shower, and yet I feel dirtier by the second. I scrub till my arms is raw and red. And yet feel as though his hands had seep in my blood alone.

His voice is now nothing more than a empty hollow. That calls to me in my sleep, reminding me to stay alert. His name is a taser that shocks me to my core.

How could everything change so fast?

But I feel has the most impact, is the fact I struck back......

And I liked it

I liked the way his body had gone limped. I liked the way his face distorted as realization struck. I liked the sound the branch made when I made impact. I liked the way I felt weight lifted off me.

It been a week, and I have been on edge ever sense. I have heard no word from Ethan sense. And I would prefer if it will stay that way.

I quickly run to the bathroom, to get rid of the last remains of what I could've possibly ate last week. I hate this, this, this feeling that I have.

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