Chapter 14

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I miss Alec, I know he told me tht he will be gone for a week. Though this time away from eachother is killing me. I need him, he is my safety net. My calm, my peace, I need him.

Being away has alway cause alot of consideration also. Mama has been spending more and more time alway from me. She rarely ever home now, anymore. But there one thing that been bothering me.

Ethan, I hate to admit it also, But its the truth. Since my time with Alec, I have found myself growing distant.

The hand the i once wished to hold. Is now the same one I shudder from. And the arms that I once wish to hold me. Is now replace with ink cover one.

The only person my body crave to be with is Alec. The insults i once pushed away, are now through as daggers. I don't deserve that treatment.

But yet, that brings me to my bigger issue. Why would Mama intentionally leave me with him? Am I overthinking his words? Am I overthinking everything? Is this my fault.

The knock on the door, cut through my thoughts like a knife. Leaving me startle, not knowing the right response.

Mama always told me to never open the door. Especially if it's a man or women on the other side. Wearing a black or navy suit with a walkie talkie.

She told me they are evil people. That the devil sent to take young girls like me. She said they would take me away from her.

The knocking gets louder, until a familiar voice cuts through.

"Angelina, can you let me in. It's Ethan, I wanna talk to you." I hear, from the other side of the door.

Why now? Why now though? the worst time. Of me overthinking, okay breath Angelina. Play it cool, and you wont get hurt. You know he would never hurt you without reason.

I slowly make my way to the door. "Finally what took you so long." Ethan claims, as he walks in the house. Pushing me to the side of the door.

"I-I'm sorry, I was in the bathroom. I didn't hear the door." I say, with my head down. Hoping that he couldn't tell the lie I just told.

"Ay it all good, I was just wondering if you want to hang? Y'know since summer is ending, I be heading back to college soon."

Has it really been almost two months? It feel like just yesterday I had sat down in front of Alec. Felt like just yesterday, we were awkwardly talking. Now, I feel like I can't live a second without him.

"Yo, are you there? I'm talking to you." I came back to focus. By the sound of snapping infront of my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, has it really been that long?" "Yeah, time goes by, but do you wanna hang?"
He looks nervous asking, I never seen him this way. Maybe everything has been in my head.

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