Chapter 21

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We are finally at the zoo and I couldn't be happier

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We are finally at the zoo and I couldn't be happier. I never been before, mama never really liked for me to be at busy places. But that's all about to change.

But I think the main reason I'm in such a good mood. Is the fact that Alec been holding my hand the whole time.

Just being able one close to him is enough for me.

"Look look mommy! They have monkeys!" I hear a young child scream clinging to their mom. Instead of the normal sneer, I was use to seeing. She was looking down with love, giving a smile.

Why couldn't I have that?

We have looked at about every animal they had here. Took some pictures, but we still haven't done the Safari ride. But that's on the other side of the zoo.

We were beginning to walk that way. When a tons of plushies had caught my attention. "Wait, could we go into there first?" Pointing to the big store.

He nod, and we started making our way in the direction.

The walls were covered in plushies, and toys of all young ages. After awhile of looking, I finally picked out getting a red panda.

"Can I get this one? Please?" Holding it up to my face. Hugging it tightly, in one arm. As I hold Alec hand with the other.

Just at that moment his phone started ringing.

Il cazzo che vuoi? Puoi imbecilli"

(The fuck you want? Can you imbeciles-)

I zoned out at that point, knowing not to get involved in the matter. And if he wanted to tell me about the call he would in his time.

He shooed me away to go to the register line. As he started to talk on the phone.

I could hear him get angrier by the second.

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