Chapter 2

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I landed on my back. A bright blue sky stared back at me along with lush green trees.

I pushed myself up and cried into my knees, now I was truly alone.

Once I ran out of tears I looked around. The box had burst open, and its contents were thrown around the clearing I was in. There was a lake on the far side, and I knew that was my first stop, after gathering my things.

I went to each item. A belt of daggers that I wasn't sure what to do with, I couldn't wear them in this dress, was the closest to me. I ended up just carrying them over to the next item.

It was a pile of leather. I thought that was strange but when I picked it up, I realised they were actually clothes, and they looked impossible to put on. I shook my head as I folded them and tucked them under my arm.

There was only one other thing, and it was thankfully a bag, my mother's favourite rucksack I realised. I put the daggers and clothes inside before swinging the bag into my back.

I let out a yelp as it collided with something, but it wasn't my back and it hurt.

I ran for the lake and fell to my knees.

I had wings! The pull on my back hadn't just been an ache from going through a portal, I had grown wings!

The closer I looked I realised it wasn't just the wings that were new. I looked like me, just a more perfect version of myself.

My eyes were now the brightest blue, all of my blemishes were gone, so were the moles on my arms and legs. I had no leg hair, or armpit hair, even though I haven't had the mind to shave for the longest time. The biggest change to my face however was that my ears were now fucking pointed!

I stared at my face for goodness knows how long before I told myself to pull it together and find out where I was. I could faintly hear the sounds of a town in the distance, so I began to make my way towards it.

When I saw it, my breath was taken away. The city I was facing seemed to glow in the sun. I walked down the hill and looked around a little, wondering if my father was here. No one here seemed to be human, so I guess I won't be too out of place.

A voice suddenly carried over the crowd.

"Refugees to the main square!" It yelled.

I guess that included me, it wasn't like I belonged here. I saw a group of people all shuffling towards the direction of the voice, all of them were looking around in awe but also fear, the refugees.

I walked with them, arriving in, what I assumed was, the main square. A small platform was set up on one side so I decided to stand as far away from that as I could get.

I felt like I was in a movie if I was being honest, but I knew this was very real, and that terrified me.

The other refugees chatted amongst themselves in hushed voices while various people who looked like they belonged here milled through the crowd, occasionally stopping to talk to others.

Two people walked up onto the platform and the group gathered immediately fell silent.

"Welcome to Velaris, I know that you are probably scared right now, believe me when I say I know what you are going through, but I promise the Night Court isn't all we are said to be outside our borders. I know you have no reason to trust me, but the people here only want to help you." The woman said, giving a gentle smile to anyone who met her gaze.

"You are welcome here for as long as you would like, and should you decide the Night Court isn't the right place for you, all of the courts, appart from Spring and Autumn, have opened their borders to you as well," the man picked up.

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