Chapter 8

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"Hello Feyre," he said with a smile.

"Hello," I whispered.

"Come in, I was just having tea with, the other, Feyre." He said as he took a step to the side.

I walked over the threshold and led me to a comfy looking sitting room.

"Hello Fay, do you have the piece?" She asked.

I nodded and turned it to show her.

"It's beautiful, thank you." She said with a bright smile.

With a wave of her hand it vanished from my hands, I was more used to things randomly appearing and disappearing, so it didn't startle me as much as it once did.

"We would actually like to talk to you, come and sit," Rhysand said, gesturing to a chair.

"I should get back to work," I said, not wanting to talk to them.

"Ressina knows, sit," Feyre told me so I did, but I prepared myself to bolt should I need to.

"You needn't be worried, neither of us are going to tell you off, we just want to talk to you," Rhysand reassured.

I relaxed a little but not by much.

"Ressina mentioned that your father was Illyrian," Feyre said, watching my reaction.

"Apparently, the wings didn't come from my mum," I told her.

"No Illyrians ever went to Hybern in the past fifty years, let alone the last sixteen, there is something you aren't telling us." Rhysand said to me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to figure out how to answer.

"I never said I was from Hybern," I said eventually.

"Yet you put your name down as a refugee," Feyre said.

"I am a refugee, just not from Hybern," I replied.

"Where are you from? Illyria?" Rhysand asked.

"Look, we don't want to hurt you, we just want to know where you are from," Feyre said when I didn't answer.

"Tell that to your general," I mumbled.

"He said he was sorry," Rhysand defended.

"Scars aren't just physical High Lord, you should know that," I snapped before getting up and walking out.

I am such an idiot, but I had reached my breaking point. I couldn't talk to them, I couldn't do anything other than run away from my problems, just like I have done for my entire life.

I walked back into the studio but ignored Ressina when she tried to talk to me, grabbing my bag and leaving.

I went back to my house and unpacked my bag.

I took my sketchbook out and a note fell out with it.


I know you are probably annoyed with me, but Rhysand and Feyre wanted to talk to you, and Feyre wanted some of your art, so we figured why not kill two birds with one stone.

If you need to take a break from me, I understand but you will always have a place here.

I never told you this but during the war I lost the only children I was ever close to. You have filled that void in my heart. So no matter what you decide to do after this you can come back, and I will welcome you with open arms.

If you don't come back or reply to this note in two days I will come and check on you, just to make sure you are ok.


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