Chapter 20

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Later that week I decided I was going to the Day Court to talk to Elain, explain who I was and why I just suddenly appeared, I didn't want any conflict.

I told Ressina I couldn't work today but if any of my family ask, she didn't know where I was.

I winnowed as far as I could get before flying the rest of the way. The Day Court was beautiful, it glowed, but that wasn't why I was here.

I flew to the palace, landing in front of the gate.

"State your intention," a guard barked at me.

"I'd like to see Elain please," I said, unsure how I should address her, or them.

"Why, want to give her a flower crown?" he sneered.

"No, we met on Solstice in the Night Court, she didn't expect to see me there, I just want to apologise, I don't want to cause a rift in the family," I explained.

"You want us to expect that you are family?" he snorted.

"I'm Azriel's daughter, do you have a problem with that?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Wait until our High Lord hears this; you'll be lucky for a clean death." He laughed as a stunning male walked towards the gate.

"What is going on?" He asked.

"She wants to see the Lady, High Lord." The guard who took the piss told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"She accused me of being Azriel's whore on Solstice, I just wanted to tell her I was sorry if I hurt her in any way." I said, looking down.

"You're the daughter, Feyre, right?" He asked, I just nodded.

"You can let her in," Helion told the guards.

The gates opened and I followed him up to the palace.

"Elain was quite upset when she got back," Helion told me.

"I didn't mean to ruin her day, I should have stayed and explained who I was instead of letting my emotions take-over and make me run away," I said, looking at the floor.

"I'm sure she'll forgive you," he said with a small smile.

He knocked on a door and her voice floated though. When he opened it, he let me walk in first, him close behind.

"Hello," I said quietly.

"Why are you here?" she half snarled at me.

"To apologise for solstice, I should have kept my cool and told you who I was, instead I left and let you assume the worst," I said quietly.

"Come and sit," she said, I did, not wanting to seem rude.

"You know I'm not his whore, right?" I asked, hugging myself.

"He said you were his daughter, and that you have been in another world until recently," she said.

"I have, I lived in a world where magic didn't exist, nor did the fae, just a whole bunch of humans, that's where my mother was from, but my grandfather was from here, so I'm only a quarter human, then a quarter fae and half Illyrian, my genetics are a bit of a mess," I told her.

"That sounds complicated," she said, I dared to look up, she was smiling gently.

"You, you don't hate me?" I asked, eyes wide.

"No, cauldron no. I was pissed off on Solstice because Lucien, my mate, and I had an argument just before, then I got there and saw you with Az, I used to love him, and he loved me. I guess it just hurt to think he moved on so quickly," she admitted.

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