Chapter 17

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I ended up staying in the manor the next few nights, while Rhys put wards up around my house and until I satisfied them with how much I was eating.

"Morning Fay, you still up for solstice shopping?" Feyre asked as she walked into the dining room.

"Definitely, I don't have work today so after breakfast?" I asked.

"Yep," she said with a grin.

Once we had both eaten and put on coats, we began walking though Velaris.

"I have no clue what to get them," I sighed.

"I was in your position last year, just go with your gut, it tends to do the trick," she said, grinning.

"Seriously though, what do I get five hundred year old beings?" I asked as she brought some things.

"What do you think they would like?" she asked.

"Not helping Feyre," I groaned.

She just laughed.

After watching Feyre get something for all of them, appart from her mate, I knew I could never get anything so extravagant, I didn't have nearly enough money. But I could put my heart into everything.

"What is Amren's favourite jewel?" I asked Feyre as we walked.

"Ruby," she replied.

I just nodded, trying to piece together something.

"Feyre, I've been wondering," I started.

"What is it?" she asked, eyes narrowing.

"If the war was over a year ago why are the Hybern refuges only arriving now?" I asked.

"We tried to help Hybern set up a new system of power, but it fell after a year, so we opened our courts to them, we didn't want to take them from their home unless absolutely necessary," she explained.

"That makes a lot of sense," I said, thinking it though in my head.

"You haven't brought a single thing yet, need some ideas?" she asked.

"Oh, no, I know exactly what I'm getting for you all but I can't get it today," I explained, blushing.

"Care to share?" she asked.

"Nope," I said with a grin.

"Well, that is just irritating." She grumbled.

"Hey Feyre, I want to get something extra for my dad, but I have no clue what," I admitted after another half an hour of walking.

"That's what I was saying about Rhys last year, I'm sure we can think of something," she laughed.

"Seriously, what do I get a five hundred year old Illyrian warrior who also happens to be my father?" I groaned.

"Not a dagger, not only does he have way too many, but he would never give up Truth Teller," she said.

"That really helps narrow it down, thanks," I sighed.

"What, I'm just saying," she said, raising her hands.

"I know what I'm getting him, where is the fabric shop?" I said.

She raised a brow but didn't question as she led me to the closest fabric shop.

I looked around for a while before finding what I needed. I took some simple leather, as well as a whole bunch of thread and needles that would go through the leather.

"Now I'm beyond curious," she laughed as we walked out.

"You'll find out soon, now I need to go and find what I need for the rest of you," I said.

"I'll be going home then, are you staying tonight?" She asked.

"If it's ok I'll stay for dinner but then go back to the cottage, I miss it," I said, she nodded.

"You're more than welcome for dinner, see you later Fay," she said, kissing the side of my head before winnowing away.

I went straight to the studio.

"It's your day off and you come here?" Ressina asked, shaking her head at me.

"I'm here to buy things, not work," I said, sticking my tongue out.

"What do you need?" She asked.

"Six of the thick paper I use for commissioned pieces, one large, then the rest portrait size and the biggest pack of colours you do," I replied.

"I'll get the paper while you find the pencils," she replied, going out back.

I knew where the pack of pencils were, there was a pack of 72 in the brad I loved using so I picked that up.

I took it to the till where Ressina was waiting.

"How much is that?" I asked, hoping I wouldn't be completely broke after this.

"The pencils are normal fifty gold, but I'll give it to you for twenty five with the paper free, think of it as an employee discount," she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked, frowning.

"Of course, I am, don't be silly, you are a joy to have around, and you are an amazing artist, it's the least I could do." She said.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around her neck.

"Fay!" She laughed.

"Yes," I replied innocently.

"You are a little troublemaker, now run along, those pieces won't draw themselves," she told me, eyes sparkling.

I winnowed the paper and pencils home before winnowing myself.

When I got in, I realised this was going to take me forever to finish. There was no way I could go to dinner tonight. I sat and wrote Feyre a quick note.

Hi Feyre,

I'm really sorry but there has been a slight change of plans, something came up and I can't make it to dinner, I promise everything is ok and yes, I will eat tonight.


I held it in my hand and thought if it going to Feyre before it vanished, I was beyond happy.

I then got started on my drawings. 

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