Chapter 15

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I walked to the manor wondering if this was a good idea. I told myself I had to. I gripped my bag strap tighter as I walked up to the front door and raised my fist to knock.

I plucked up the courage to knock and the door was almost immediately opened.

"Hi Fay, I'm so glad you could come," Feyre said with a broad smile.

"Hi Feyre," I said quietly, offering her a small smile.

"We are all in the sitting room, come in," she said, standing aside to let me in.

Sure, enough they were all sat around, wine in hand. I walked over to Azriel and sat next to him. He slung an arm behind me and pressed a kiss to the side of my head in greeting.

"I'm sorry I yelled at all of you," I said quietly, looking at my lap.

"None of us blame you Fay, we pushed you too far, too fast, it's obvious that you needed space and we pushed anyway, it's our fault," Rhysand told me.

"Would you stop calling me Rhysand," he asked, frowning a little.

"Stay out of my head!" I snapped at him.

"You are practically yelling my name at me, we need to teach you how to shield," he said, frown disappearing.

I bared my teeth in a low snarl as I slammed a blinding while stone barrier down around my mind.

"Good, you're a natural," he complimented.

"You are so annoying," I grumbled.

"You'll learn to love it," he replied, smirking now.

"That's what I'm worried about," I sighed.

"Come on, dinner should be ready soon," Cassian said, standing and stretching out his wings.

"Teach me how to fly," I blurted.

All eyes snapped to me, and I went red, looking down.

"You've already got the basics down, so I'll train you, if Az doesn't get all territorial that is." He replied.

"I have no problem with it as long as you don't try hitting on her again," he said, hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not risking my balls," he said before walking out.

"I thought you were kidding when you said you threatened to cut off his balls," Azriel said, sounding surprised.

"No, she slapped him, then told him that if he ever touched her she would chop off that hand followed by his dick," Feyre said, I grinned at her.

"I heard that!" Cassian called from the dining room.

"Illyrian baby," me and Feyre muttered together.

"I heard that too!" He called back, making us all laugh.

"So, Fay, we would like to invite you for Winter Solstice," Azriel said once we all began eating.

"Isn't that a special holiday?" I asked, looking at my food.

"I believe your mother called it Christmas," he told me.

"You're inviting me to stay for Christmas?" I asked, eyes wide.

"Of course," Feyre told me, smiling.

"Ok, um, how long until Christmas?" I asked.

"Two weeks," Azriel replied.

"Ok, I'll be here, do you do the gift giving, the dinner, the tree?" I asked.

"I don't know why you are asking about a tree, but we do decorate, have dinner and give gifts, yes," Feyre told me.

"I look forward to it," I said smiling.

The rest of the dinner was calm, just talking about normal things. At least now I knew why Velaris was slowly getting decorated.

"In a few days we all have to go to the Hewn City for our annual Solstice visit, and everyone needs to go so we won't be here, but if you need any of us just write a note then think of us while holding it, we will get it," Rhys told me at the end of the dinner.

"Ok, I will see you all soon then," I told them with a smile.

"Fay, wait up!" Feyre called as I was walking out.

"Everything ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I was just hoping you would come Solstice shopping with me," she said, looking down.

"Of course, I will, just give me a time and place," I told her, smiling.

"Thank you," she said, hugging me before letting me go.

I winnowed home and let out a long breath, that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought.

I walked up to my bedroom and slipped on a night dress before taking off my bracelets and putting them on the top of my book case.

I brushed out my hair then got into bed, snuggling into the blankets.

I closed my eyes and tried to drift off.

Before I got the chance a hand clamped over my mouth. I struggled and kicked but nothing worked, I couldn't get out of their grip.

"You are going to stay quiet, or we knock you out, understand?" A male voice hissed in my ear.

I nodded slowly, composing myself, I needed to get to my siphons.

Before I got the chance I was winnowed away and thrown into a cold damp room.

"What the fuck!" I yelled at the closed door.

I tried to winnow home, but I realised my magic had been nullified. I was half glad, if I was stuck here my Illyrian magic would likely turn this room into a black hole.

I sighed as I sat down, wondering what to do now, I had no idea where I was. I should have asked Rhys to put wards up around my house.

I knew I needed to sleep, or my brain would stop being rational, so I lay on a hay bale in the corner and tried to get comfortable, wrapping my wings around myself for warmth. 

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