Chapter 19

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-Fay's POV-

I knocked on Ressina's door and she opened it smiling, until she saw me.

"Oh Fay, come inside," she said, pulling me in.

She set me down on her sofa and got some tissues.

"What happened?" She asked once I had calmed a little.

"I thought today was going to be so amazing, spending time with all of them and maybe I could start feeling like I was a part of their family. But when Elain got there, she accused me of being Azriel's whore and that solstice was for family only, I just left, I never wanted to make their lives hard." I said, wishing life would just go right for once.

"I think you should go back Fay, none of them will stand for that, not after what Rhysand went through Under the Mountain." She told me gently.

"I can't go back now, they should all get to have their solstice together," I said, deflating.

"What about you, what are you going to do?" She asked.

"Go back home and draw probably, did you get your solstice present by the way?" I asked, changing the topic.

"I did, thank you Fay, I got you something too," she said, standing and walking out of the room.

She came back a second later, a box in her hands.

"I was going to give it to you on your first day back, but you're here now," she said.

I carefully unwrapped the box then took the lid off.

"Ressina, this is amazing!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around her.

She laughed and hugged me back.

Inside the box was a collection of stationery, including a pack of sketching pencils, three rubbers, sharpeners of various sizes, a 15cm and 30 cm ruler, and fine liners, in all of the colours I brought last week.

There was another knock on the door and Ressina went to answer it.

"She's in here," I heard her say.

I put the lid back on the box then winnowed it home, just as Feyre appeared.

"Hi Feyre," I said, looking down.

"Hey Fay, would you like to come back," she offered.

"I shouldn't, I don't want to make things awkward on solstice, and it's your birthday." I said, hugging myself.

"Nesta sent Elain back to the Day court, everyone was annoyed with her, she can spend Solstice with Helion and Lucien, please come back," she said, looking at me with hope filled eyes.

"Only if you're sure," I said, not wanting to be difficult.

"Of course, I'm sure, now come on," she said, pulling me to my feet.

"Thank you again Ressina," I said, hugging her.

"Any time Fay, now run along, I need to get ready for my own Solstice party," she laughed.

I took Feyre's hand, and she winnowed us back to the manor. I looked at the floor as we walked back into the sitting room.

Az immediately got up and pulled me into a hug.

"Can we do presents now?" Cassian complained.

"Let the poor girl sit down first," Nesta scolded.

One I was sat down with my father again Rhys nodded at Cassian who pounced on the pile that had appeared while I was gone.

To my surprise he passed them all out to each person then sat back down.

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