Chapter 21

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-Azriel's POV-

I knew something wrong, but I couldn't figure out what.

"Az, if you keep fidgeting like that, I'll start to think you're ill," Rhys lightly scolded.

"Something's wrong Rhys, but I don't know what," I told him.

He opened his mouth to ask something else, but Feyre burst in.

"Ressina doesn't know where Fay is," she gasped.

"Ok, both of you sit, I'll reach out," he told us, we both sat down.

"Ok, don't totally panic but she is in Day with Elain and maybe took a couple of arrows for her, we need to get Mor and go," he said.

I jolted up.

"I'm going now," I said and before either of them could say otherwise I winnowed to the Day Court.

I could see Fay's purple siphon shield around her and Elain, who was trying to stop the bleeding.

I put my hands on the shield, but it didn't lower. Elain looked up and saw me, saying something to my daughter to get her to lower the shield, just as Rhys winnowed in with Mor.

"Fay, you listen to me, you stay awake, you understand?" I told her, not knowing how to comfort her.

There was an arrow sticking out of her back, next to where her wing joins here back, and a slash on her side from a passing arrow.

"You," Rhys snarled at Elain.

"Don't take it out on her Rhys, she apologised to me, twice, and was going to apologise to you next week, none of this is her fault," Fay practically whispered.

Mor healed the cut easily before looking at the arrow

"I need to pull that arrow out," Mor's vice said from somewhere.

"Please live," Elain whispered to her before she standing with Helion and Lucien.

"This is going to hurt Fay, and I'm so sorry," Mor whispered, pain on her own face.

She nodded to me and Rhys who held her down, Rhys getting rid of her top at the same time.

Mor gripped the arrow and pulled it out in one swift motion, causing Fay to scream and thrash against our grip before falling limp.

Mor healed the hole it left then let out a long breath.

"She'll be ok Az, but I suggest she dinks some of Feyre's blood," Mor told me, putting a hand on mine.

"Thank you Mor," I breathed, lifting Fay into my arms.

It struck me just how tiny she was compared to me. I winnowed her back to the manor, where Feyre was waiting.

"No, is she, please say she is ok," she gushed, tears streaming down her face.

"She'll live Feyre, can you help me get the blood off her and get her in some clothes?" I asked, walking towards the stairs.

It was pretty easy washing the blood off her, it was harder to get her dressed. Once she was dressed, we lay her on her stomach, a blanket over her lower half.

"Come on Az, let's get you washed as well," Feyre told me gently.

She took me downstairs and I didn't have the mind to argue. She filled a bowl with warm water and got a cloth. She began washing off my hands, which, to my surprise, were shaking slightly.

She was so gentle with me, my sister though love. I didn't know what I had done to deserve such an amazing family, but I was grateful every second for it.

"Go and change Az, I'll sit with her," she told me once she was done.

I did as she said before going to sit with Fay while I waited for her to wake.

-Fay's POV-

My back ached like hell and almost burnt when I tried to move.

"Open your eyes love," My father told me gently.

I did as I was asked and saw him hovering over me.

"Did they catch the shooter?" I asked, forcing myself to sit up.

"They did, and it was an assassination attempt on Elain, he's being delt with, now please relax, you lost a lot of blood," he told me.

"I've been through worse, can you help me up please," I said, pleading with my eyes.

"Where are you going?" He asked, eyes narrowing.

"The toilet Az, problem?" I asked, smirking.

He helped me up and to the toilet before begrudgingly letting me go downstairs.

"Fay, you should be resting!" Feyre exclaimed, rushing over.

"I'm fine, like I said to my mother hen of a father, I've been through worse, and I'm still here so please don't coddle me," I said, glaring at Rhys who opened his mouth to protest.

"I'll leave you be if you drink some of my blood," Feyre told me.

"No way in hell, no offence Amren, but blood is gross," I said, sitting next to Mor.

"It will help you heal," Feyre explained.

"I donn't need the help, I'm fine, seriously." I replied, crossing my arms.

"Cauldron you are more stubborn that your father!" Rhys exclaimed.

"Let's just pretend that nothing happened so we can all live our lives, now excuse me, I have work to get to." I said, standing and winnowing away.

"Fay! You should be resting!" Ressina exclaimed as I walked in.

"I'm fine! What is it with you all, I'm not about to drop dead!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, ok, come and sit then," she said, ushering me behind the counter.

I began working, I could feel Ressina's annoyance but I didn't care.

Let's just hope that nothing else happens.

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