Chapter 13

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I fell to the floor sobbing. I just wanted my brother back.

I didn't sleep that night, I cleaned up my room, magic helping me along the way. By the time it was clean, it was the morning. I went into Velaris and brought a new matrass.

Once I had winnowed it home, I made my bed then looked around. I hadn't made this place my own, but now I was going to. I wasn't living in the mansion.

I knew it was going to take me a while to get it completely finished but I was willing to spend the time.

I went to work at normal time and get started on what Ressina asked.

"If Feyre, Rhysand or any of them ask from me, tell them to leave me be please," I said as I walked to the back room.

"What happened Fay?" She asked, looking concerned.

"I realised that I can't have a family," I told her before closing the door and getting to work.

"Fay, lunch break!" Ressina called to me.

I got up and grabbed my bag.

"I need to go to the jewellers to see if I can get two siphons put into bracelets, then I can wear what I want not these rather hot leathers," I told her.

"Can I come, I could use the walk," she asked, I smiled.

"Sure, we can grab food while we walk," I said, and she nodded.

We walked out, Ressina locking up behind her. We went straight to the jewellers, deciding to get food on the way back.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if it would be possible to make a custom piece," I said to the male next to the counter.

"Of course Miss, what can I do for you?" He asked with a smile.

"Could you make me two bracelets and put one of my siphons in each instead of a gem?" I asked.

"Definitely, do you have any ideas what you would like the band to look like?" He asked.

"Just a simple silver chain would be great," I said, glancing at Ressina.

"I could do that for you now if you would like, how much time do you have?" He asked.

"She had as much time as she needs," Ressina cut in.

"Really?" I asked, looking at her.

"This is more important than a drawing," she reminded me.

"Then I can wait," I told the shop owner with a smile.

"All I need is your wrist measurements, and of course two siphons." He said and I nodded.

An hour later he came back out to the shop front and produced two simple silver chains, my siphons embedded into a backing piece then attached to the bracelet. (Imagine this in indigo)

"These are perfect, thank you so much, how much do I owe you?" I asked, clasping them round my wrists

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"These are perfect, thank you so much, how much do I owe you?" I asked, clasping them round my wrists.

"You owe me nothing, one of the pieces you drew was for my wife, she was overjoyed with it, it was the first time I saw her smile after we lost our children in the war, for that, I give you this," he told me.

Tears spilled down my cheeks, and he walked round the counter, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"No, thank you child," he said, letting me go.

"Tell her I say hello," I told him before leaving.

I winnowed back home and changed into some more comfortable clothes, hanging the leathers in my wardrobe before I winnowed back to the shop.

"You can't just appear like that Fay!" Ressina exclaimed.

"I winnowed here to save time, I needed to get out of those leathers, so I went home after I got the bracelets." I explained.

"Next time, please winnow outside the shop, now let's see these bracelets." She said with a grin.

I showed her and she approved, telling me to get back to work after.

I spent a good ten minutes laughing before continuing to draw. Once I had finished the piece I left for the day, going to get some paint for my walls as they were currently all white.

I got a light grey for my bedroom as well as some light grey and purple flowered wallpaper for one wall, new bedding in a purple ombre, some light grey curtains as well as a new wardrobe, bookshelf and bed side tables, all light grey with plain wood detailing.

For the bathroom I used the same colour scheme. All of the appliances were already light grey so that saved me time and money, all I needed to buy was a purple bathmat and towels.

Downstairs, the kitchen was also easy, the cabinets were already grey with a wooden top, so they matched my colour scheme from upstairs, then for the living room I went with a totally light grey and white theme.

The walls were left white so I could hang my art up, then I had another light grey bookshelf like the one in my bedroom, I got a light grey corner sofa, I also got the same grey curtains to go with the windows downstairs.

As for the dining table in the kitchen, I kept my table and got light grey covers for my chairs. For a finishing touch I got a white vase with some fake lavender to put in it.

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