Chapter 9

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I didn't want my thoughts staining this book, so I tore a page out of the back and began to draw the building from the television screen.

Once I had done that, I drew my families faces around it, Aunt Alice last. Once I was finished it was morning, and I was sobbing into my hands to try and forget that building.

"Fay?" Feyre's voice said cautiously from behind me.

I didn't acknowledge her, I just sobbed harder.

"Oh Fay," she sighed, pulling me against her and holding me close.

"Is that what your nightmare was about?" She asked once my tears had eased.

I just nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

"Even if I told you what it was you wouldn't understand, where I'm from is just too different from here," I told her

"Well whenever you feel like telling us anything, we will listen," she told me, squeezing me a little more.

"Thank you," I whispered.

She let me go and I got up, going into the bathroom to change before I followed her down the stairs.

Rhysand was waiting for us.

"My inner circle are in the dining room, are you ok to meet them?" He asked, I nodded.

He stopped in the doorway, Feyre stood next to him while I hung back.

"Everyone, this is Feyre," he said to the room.

"Yes Rhys, we know, she's your mate, have you lost your head?" Cassian's voice asked.

"No, not my Feyre, the other Feyre," he sighed.

I stepped around Feyre and looked at the people gathered.

"Great, another Feyre," A blonde sighed.

"You can call me Fay," I whispered.

"Well that makes life easier, hello Fay," the blonde continued.

"Fay, this is Mor and Amren, and Cassian you already know." Feyre introduced.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you," I said quietly.

"Why did you show us this girl Rhysand?" The female, who I am assuming is Amren, asked.

"I may have destroyed my bedroom last night because of a nightmare and I didn't know I had powers," I admitted.

"What powers?" Mor asked.

"I think she has the killing power of the Illyrians," Feyre said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I froze at the name, killing power?

"It's ok, that's just what it's called." She reassured.

"In that case, I'm taking her to Windhaven to get siphons before she destroys something." Cassian said, looking me up and down.

"I'm going nowhere with you," I told him, crossing my arms

"I said I was sorry, then you threatened to cut off my balls!" He exclaimed.

"You deserved it." I told him, glaring.

"I only called you pretty," he muttered.

"You're thirty-three times my age!" I snapped at him.

"All right you two, cool down," Feyre said, squeezing my shoulder and shooting Cassian a look.

"Fay, going to Windhaven isn't negotiable but one of the girls will go with you, whether that be me Amren or Mor I don't know yet." Feyre told me, I nodded.

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