Chapter 16

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-Azriel's POV-

"Az, have you seen Fay?" Feyre shouted up to me.

"No, why?" I called back, going downstairs to meet with her.

"She didn't show up to work this morning, Ressina is worried." She replied, frowning.

"Let's go to her house, maybe she overslept, from the sounds of it last night was the first time she had alcohol of any kind," I said, fear rising in me.

She nodded, biting her lip. I held out my hand and she took it, letting me take her to Fay's house.

I knocked on the door.

"Fay, you in there?" I called out.

'Go in, now,' my shadows whispered.

"My shadows want us to go in," I told Feyre, she winnowed through the door, I did the same seconds later.

"She only has four rooms; how hard can it be to find her?" I said, looking around the sofa.

"She's probably in bed," Feyre told me.

I nodded and flowed her up the staircase that led straight into her room.

My heart stopped at the mess, the blankets and pillows were all over the room, the candle next to her bed was knocked over, luckily it wasn't burning but it must have only just been put out when this happened because wax had dripped to the floor.

"Az, her siphons," Feyre breathed, walking over to the two bracelets atop her bookcase.

"She would never leave them, not when she fears the destruction she could cause." The realisation of what happened hitting me in the face.

"Someone took her, they knew what she meant to the court." Feyre breathed, voice breaking.

"No, I can't lose her to Fayre, not after her losing her mother nearly broke me," I said, frantically looking for clues.

"Az!" she yelled, snapping me out of it.

"I need to get her back Fayre," I whispered.

"I know, and we will, but we need to help of the others," she said, taking my hand.

-Fay's POV-

I had no idea how long I was in that miserable cell for, with no access to light and not being fed but if I had to guess I would say two to three days judging by how cramped my poor wings felt.

No matter how much I stretched them out the cell was too small for me to do it properly.

Three males suddenly burst in and forced me to the floor. The next thing I knew my wings were being bound behind me.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," I groaned.

"Shut up bitch," the one holding my left side down hissed.

"You know it's rude to touch someone's wings without permission," I told them.

"I said shut up," he snapped again, slapping me.

I was pulled to my feet and dragged though dark corridors. I couldn't fight them, the lack of food made me weak.

The next thing I made out was a throne room, and my family were on the dais.

I was thrown to the floor before them, landing on my hip, but refusing to cry out as my wing was caught on something.

'You alright?' Rhys asked into my mind.

'Oh, I'm just loving life Rhys, thanks for asking,' I said back, the sarcasm obvious.

'I was just asking so I knew how badly to punish them,' he replied.

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