Chapter 4

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I went to the Palace of Thread and Jewels to look for clothes. There was a cheap clothing shop where I got seven sets of clothes, they would last me for the time being.

I was about to go to the Palace of Bone and Salt, but I paused when I saw a shoulder bag that I could use, even with the wings.

It was only three silver, so I bought it. The size was substantial and would definitely get a lot of use for the foreseeable future.

I also bought some bread, cheese, milk and tea, putting them in my new bag before making my way home.

I passed through the Rainbow and paused to look in some of the windows, I have always loved art, ever since I was a little girl, I have loved the way colours blend in nature.

I was about to move away from a window when my eyes snagged on a sketchbook that looked just like the one, I left in my room.

I walked into the store and checked the price, as well as the price of a pack of sketching pencils.

It was a lot of money, but hopefully I would get a job and start earning money soon. I could survive on bread and cheese for the time being. I hadn't been eating properly since the accident, Rowan had to force me to eat most days, so I was used to it.

Without giving myself a chance to doubt anymore I purchased the book and pencils, placing them in my bag then practically running back to my house.

I put the food in the pantry and the clothes in my wardrobe with the bag by the door before I sat at the table in the kitchen and looked at the sketchbook.

At the start of each sketchbook I always make a titlepage with my name and date started before decorating it, the final page then has the end date, so I can keep track of my progress.

I knew what I wanted to put on the title page, but I was better with colours. I lightly drew out the outlines of what I wanted to do once I got colours.

Once I had written my name in a cloud, I turned the page and began drawing out different features of the faeries I had seen today.

While I was sketching out the pointed ears that I now possessed a letter appeared in front of me.

I opened it and saw that I had a job. A female named Ressina wanted me to apprentice at her shop in the Rainbow. In the letter was a map with a shop marked.

I left now, just to find where it was for tomorrow, I didn't want to get lost on my first day. I took my sketchbook just in case I saw something I wanted to draw, the whole city was so beautiful.

I found Ressina's art shop and had a look around. I kept away from the female who hired me, but I did take the time to admire the works of art around the place.

"Can I help you?" Her voice said from next to me.

So much for keeping a low profile.

"Oh, no, I was just looking for some inspiration, thank you though," I told her quickly, looking down.

"Can I see what you have done so far?" She asked, looking at the book in my hands.

"I only got it today, I haven't done much, but when it fills up a little more than I will come back and show you," I told her with a small smile before leaving.

When I got back, I was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. I was going to work in an art shop!

The next day I woke up well before I needed to, but I was too excited to go back to sleep.

I showered before dressing in some of my new clothes and braiding my hair, so it was out of my way. Once I felt presentable, I went downstairs and had a cup of tea before putting my sketchbook, pencils and key in my bag and leaving. 

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