Bonus Chapter

620 15 4

Azriel seeing Fay for the first time.

-Azriel's POV-

Amara was gone, back to her home world, carrying our child.

My mating instincts told me to go with her, protect her at all costs, but I knew she was married, and had a son at home.

I went to the House of Wind, seculding myself in my room while I waited for the pain to go away.

I wasn't sure how long I had been here, staring blankly at my wall before I went back to the clearing she had left from.

I paused when I saw a box and letter on the ground. The box was in ruins but the letter looked well preserved.

I walked over and picked it up, slipping it out of the envolope ad opening it.

Dear Feyre,

If you are reading this then we died before your eighteenth, and I am sorry you have to go through this.

I am sorry to do this to you, but there are things you need to know that I didn't get a chance to tell you.

Firstly, Matthew isn't your real father. When you opened this letter, it would have set off the spell needed to take you to where your biological father lives. You have about five minutes to prepare before the portal opens.

Please don't be mad at me, everything you know is still real, Matthew loves you like his own child and Rowan is still your brother. Speaking of Rowan, he also got a letter, explaining everything to him so if you can't see him in the next five minutes he will know.

Secondly, I suspect that when you go to your new home you will change, I can't tell you exactly what will change because I don't know myself, but please don't panic if anything does.

Thirdly, the box that is with this letter has everything you will need in this new place, you are so strong my child and I love you more than anything.

Mum xx

I thought Feyre's mum was dead, I'd need to show this to her.

I winnowed back to the manor

"Rhys, I found a letter in the forest addressed to Feyre, but it makes no sense," I said, not readin the room before I spoke.

"I didn't realise it came as well," a girl said, lookng at where I threw it on the table.

"Azriel, meet Feyre, Feyre, Azriel." Feyre introduced quickly.

"Hello, you can call me Fay," she said, her voice, and that hair, Amera.

"Look at me," I told her, and she did.

This was her, this was my daughter. I couldn't take it. I vanished into shadows. I landed in the House of Wind before cursing myself, now she must think I'm weird.

'You alright?' Rhys asked me.

'I need to tell you some things, but first, why is she here?' I asked back.

'She deystroyed her room, Cass is taking her to Illyria to get Siphons.' He explained.

'Ok, I'll come and explain everything soon.' I said and I felt him leave.

I knew I needed to go back, just as I appeared she began to talk.

"If I'm half human, why do I have pointed ears?" She aslked, looking at Amren.

"Your mother was half fae," I told her, unable to stop myself.

"How do you know that?" she asked in return, frowning at me.

"Go with Cassian and get your siphons first, I need to talk to Rhys anyway." I told her.

Once Feyre pulled her from the room, Cassian following close behind I sank into a chair.

"Az, what's going on?" Mor asked.

"I know you have all been wondering about my basence recently, well, I found my mate," I began.

Mor and rhys began congratulating me but I pushed them away.

"She's gone now, stop congratulating me, before she left she found out that she was pregnant, and the child was mine. Her name was Amara, and she was the most amasing female, she was only half fae though, she came from another world, like her mother, and that world only consisted of humans. Feyre is my daughter, I sired her before Amara left for her own world, telling her how to get back here with the child if he or she showed any fae characteristics." I said, tears slowly rolling down my face.

Rhys opened his mouth to say something but Feyre, Feyre and Cassian all winoowed back in.

"How many?" Mor asked, standing.

"Six," she said, looking at the floor.

"Shit," Rhysand breathed. 

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