Chapter 14

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A week later everything was done, and no one had hunted me down. I was content.

I was pretty much broke after I got everything but with people still asking for my work it didn't matter.

I began to notice a presence while I was at home.

I eventually got fed up with it.

"Azriel, if you are going to spy on me at least make it less obvious," I sighed, not looking up from my book.

"How did you know?" He asked as he walked over.

"I could feel you there, I have done for a while, at first I just thought I was going crazy, but then I realised it was you," I told him, putting my book down.

"Impressive," he told me with a smile.

"Want to sit, I made sure my sofa was Illyrian friendly," I said, gesturing to the sofa next to me.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Come and sit your stubborn ass down," I sighed.

He chuckled but did as I said.

"We are all worried about you," he told me after a while.

"I did just kind of scream my worst fear at you then storm out, I'm honestly surprised you left me alone for this long," I replied, looking at the book in my lap.

"Feyre suggested we let you cool off," he admitted.

"And you always listen to Feyre?" I asked, brows raising.

"Touché," he laughed.

"Are you mad that I don't want to live in the manor?" I asked, biting my lip.

"No love, we all get that you need your own space and in all honesty this house is lovely, but please don't cut us all out of your life, we all understand that trauma creates barriers but all of us want to help you break those down if that is what you want. You don't have to call us your aunts and uncles, you hardly know us after all and you definitely don't have to call me dad, but we would love to get to know you." He said, watching me reactions to his words.

"Do you know what Feyre did with the drawing I did the night I went to the manor?" I asked.

"It's still on the desk, she didn't want to move it." He told me.

"Perfect, I'll be back in a second." I told him and he nodded.

I winnowed to the room, picked up the paper then winnowed home.

"This is my family," I told him, showing him the picture.

"The ones you lost first?" He questioned, noting the lack of his mates face.

"Yes, this is my Aunt Chloe, she's like a taller and slightly less scary version of Amren, but if looks could kill I would be dead many times over. Cassian is like Uncle Robert, that's him in the corner, he was somehow married to Chloe, they were so sweet together, but no one ever said that to Chloe of course. The one below Robert is my Uncle David, he was such a big softie, every time I went over to his house, I would play fairy princess while he was the knight, we went on imaginary adventures. And if I had nightmares while I was staying there without Rowan, he would hold me through the rest of the night. Aunt Jess is the one on the other side of Chloe, Feyre is like her, and yes, she was married to David. She was a doctor, or a healer as you say in this world, she was passionate about everything she did and was fiery, supportive, but above all kind. Then finally the one at the top is Aunt Alice, I always called her my favourite aunt, she was younger than the others by a good ten years and we always caused trouble when together. She loved parties and music and dancing, she turned into a ten-year-old when she was with me and most of my favourite memories are ones with her," I told him.

"You miss them more than you show, don't you," he asked me quietly.

I mutely nodded as tears spilled down my cheeks. He wordlessly pulled me against him and held me close. I was so done with crying.

He placed on finger on the top of my forehead in the middle and drew a line down to the tip of my nose.

The more he did it, the more tired I got until I finally let go and slipped into sleep.

When I awoke next my head was in Azriel's lap, still on my sofa.

It was morning, judging by the light streaming through the window.

I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes, seeing that Azriel was still asleep I quietly walked into my kitchen and made two cups of tea.

As I put them on the coffee table he stirred.

"Morning sleepyhead," I teased, he scoffed.

"I have to go to work, but I'll be back later if you wanted to hang out," I said, offering him a small smile.

"Feyre invited you over for dinner, but if you're not ready for that we could go out, just the two of us," he said, standing and stretching.

"I would love to go over for dinner, I need to apologise for yelling at them all," I told him.

"Then I will see you tonight," he said, smiling at me.

"Drink your tea before you leave, I need to go and change anyway," I told him before walking up the stairs.

I pulled on some new clothes before going back down.

"Oh, I didn't tell you last night, but I asked a jeweller to make these for me, so I don't have to wear leathers or armour all the time," I said, sitting next to him and showing him the bracelets.

"They look amazing love, I never would have thought of that," he told me, inspecting them.

"I know you love your leathers and all, but I can't live in the things, I'm a bit more like Mor and Feyre when it comes to fashion," I told him with a grin.

"That you are, oh, and don't worry about dressing up tonight, it's a casual dinner," he told me, putting his cup down.

"Noted, although I will probably come from work," I said, taking the cups to the sink.

"See you later," he told me before melting into the shadows.

I smiled at where he had just been stood before I winnowed to work.

"You seem chipper this morning," Ressina said as I walked into the shop with a bright smile.

"I spent the night with Azriel and I'm going to Feyre's tonight for dinner, I'm beyond happy," I told her, still smiling.

"Well go and put that happiness into your work," she told me, laughing.

"Yes Ma'am," I laughed before going into the back room.  

I couldn't decide if I was excited or nervous for dinner, Ressina noticed before I left and held me back.

"You have been a nervous wreck the whole afternoon, is it about dinner?" she asked, taking my hands.

"Yeah, I did just kind of yell at them all then storm out," I said, looking down.

"Chin up Fay, they love you, and forgive you." She told me, I nodded before leaving.

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