Chapter 11

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Once we were all ready, she winnowed me and Cassian to the camp.

"What do we owe this pleasure?" A male, who I am assuming is Delvon spat as he walked over.

"Feyre here needs siphons before she blows something up," Cassian said.

"The High Lady can't use them," he sneered.

"The other Feyre," Cassian sighed, obviously impatient.

"A female doesn't have enough power to require a siphon, she's not even clipped." He snapped.

"Delvon, we didn't come here to argue whether she needs them, we know she does, we came here to get them," Cassian snapped.

"Come, we will do the test now, but if she tests and it is a waste of my time I will clip her," he snapped.

He led us to a large hut on the other side of the camp. Inside he indicated to a stone.

"Place your hands on it and funnel your power into it," he told me.

I glanced at Feyre who nodded at me.

'We can't talk aloud so I have connected our minds, I will guide you,' she told me, her presence a comfort.

'Ok,' I replied before placing my hands on the stone.

I didn't need Feyre's help in the end, the stone was all the help I needed.

I pushed my magic into the stone for what felt like hours until I felt a burning at the base of my spine.

'Just a little longer Fay, you're doing so well,' Feyre encouraged.

'How much longer?' I gasped.

'Not much, just listen to my voice, ignore the pain,' she told me.

'You're not the one who feel like a red-hot knife is stabbing them in the back,' I snapped.

'Let go Fay,' she said, and I did, stumbling back a step.

She caught me and held me against her.

Delvon and Cassian were looking at me with wide eyes.

"Well, was I a waste of your time?" I snapped at Delvon.

He mutely shook his head and walked out while Cassian continued to stare at me.

"Anyone going to tell me what that means?" I asked, before I got an answer Delvon walked back in.

He held out his hand with six clear stones in his palm.

"Six?" I gasped.

"Yes Fay, six," Cassian confirmed.

I took the stones, and they shone an indigo colour under my touch.

"Wear two at all times," Delvon told me before leaving again.

"Am I dreaming, or did I just receive six siphons?" I asked, looking between Cassian and Feyre.

"You are very much awake," Feyre told me.

Cassian made to come over but stopped a few paces away.

"May I?" He asked, gesturing to the stones.

I nodded and he stepped over, so he was right in front of me.

He took the stones from me and gave them to Feyre, he then placed two on my shoulders, then two on each wrist.

"Until we can get you proper leathers," he explained when he stepped away.

"Can we get out of here, this place gives me the creeps," I said and Feyre laughed as she took our hands and winnowed us back to the manor.

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