Chapter 25- Letting Go

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- Jasmine -
I listened as Mrs. Anderson spoke, I couldn't help thinking that she was going round the block though. It was almost like she had no idea what to say to me, but I was trying to convince myself that whatever it was was good news.

I kept waiting as she continued to circle around what she wanted to tell me. She was blabbering on about Corey when he was younger and that some of the things he had done were bad, but that he always had good intentions.

"I'm so proud to have him as my son." she said her voice sounding shaky.

"Mrs. Anderson are you alright?" I asked slowly, not knowing whether I wanted to hear the answer or not.

"No." she said and she burst out crying from the other end.

I couldn't help myself, I started crying unable to stop. "I need you to come to the hospital Jasmine." Mrs. Anderson said trying to calm herself.

I hung up instantly pulling on some clothes that had been crumpled up on my floor, for who knows how long.

I was driving to the hospital my vision blurry because of the tears welling in my eyes. I practically ran into the hospital, only to see Mrs. Anderson crying and Corey's step dad hugging her.

I couldn't see Dylan or Jake or any of the others. By the looks of it Mrs. Anderson had only called me.

No one was looking so I crept down the corridor to the room that had 'Anderson' on the door. I pushed open the door afraid of what I might find.

And there he was. Just lying there. His eyes were closed, and the machines were off.

"Corey?" I said quietly, he didn't move.

"Corey?" I said this time desperation in my voice.

"I geez this isn't funny anymore." I walked over to him and grabbed his hand.

It was freezing and I recoiled away. tears welled up in my eyes. Mrs Anderson had been trying to tell me that he hadn't made it.

I started crying uncontrollably and I climbed onto the bed next to his still unmoving form. I cuddled up to his chest wishing with all my heart that this was a dream.

I kept telling myself "This isn't happening." but deep down inside I knew it was.

I could hear someone coming but I didn't want to let him go. The door opened and Mrs. Anderson stood there with red eyes watching me.

"I-I didn't want you to s-see, b-b-but I didn't know how to tell you." she started crying again.

The hospital staff emerged to take him away, Corey's stepdad walked toward me and took my hand as I cried my eyes out.

He tried to tug me away from Corey but my grip was strong, I wasn't ready to let him go, to say goodbye.

This time he grabbed me and pulled me off. I was kicking and screaming desperately trying to pull free. Corey's stepdad was strong and pulled me out of the room and down the corridor, still kicking and screaming.

Normally I would die of embarrassment if anyone saw me acting this way, but right now I couldn't care less. I'd just lost what was he.... My best friend, my first boyfriend, the guy who was my first kiss.

"Jasmine you need to go home." Mrs. Anderson said.

"No." I said defiantly.

"I'll drive her home." Corey's step dad said taking me out to the car.


- Toby -
I hadn't even see Jasmine leave. I scolded myself for falling asleep, now she looked like she'd been to hell and back twice.

Corey's dad was explaining what had happened, and that he was terribly sorry that Jasmine had seen Corey dead.

"Jenny and I took our eyes off her for two seconds and she was gone." he was explaining.

"It's okay Jasmine has always been sneaky." Mrs. Foster said.

Jasmine was just standing there in a trance, looking like she couldn't even hear what they were saying about her.

"Toby?" Mrs. Foster asked me.

"Yeah?" I answered unsure of what I could do to help the situation.

"Can you take Jasmine up to her room to get some sleep?" I nodded and walked over taking Jasmine's hand and leading her up the stairs.

I was worried about her, she wasn't speaking and her face was expressionless. I helped her into her bed and she closed her eyes. I tiptoed out of her room closing the door quietly.

"Where's Corey?" Luke asked.

Holy crap. He sure knows how to scare a person. "God don't sneak up on me like that."

"Why is Jazzy in bed at midday?"

How do you explain to a seven year old, that someone they know has died. I wasn't used to having someone look up at me like this for answers.

"Is Corey alright?" Luke demanded.

"Luke." Jasmine's mum was there, "Corey has gone away for a while."

I took this opportunity to walk back down stairs. Now there was nothing left to do but wait.

I'll Always Love A Bad Boy (Sequel To I Fell In love With The Bad Boy)Where stories live. Discover now