Chapter 19 - Missing Him

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- Jasmine -
I dragged my feet as I walked the route I'd taken so many times before. But 408 would never be the same without Toby there to meet me. I stood at the door to 408 for a long time, not caring if anyone saw me. Unlocking the door, I walked in and felt the instant comfort of my favourite place on campus.

The Nickelback posters reminded me more of the time Toby had handed me my glasses. The first thing if seen had been these posters. I plugged my phone into Toby's sound system and started playing 'Burn it to the ground' it was Toby's favourite NickelBack song and also mine.

I let the music force back the sadness that welled in side of me and tried so desperately to think happy thoughts.

I was going to see him again. That was final.

I fell onto Toby's bed and hugged the blankets, while the music thudded in the background. I could still smell his colon on the sheets and his pillow.

I was in such a trance that I didn't hear Daniel come in. In fact I wasn't even aware that I wasn't alone in here until he touched my shoulder.

I rolled over slightly flustered to meet his gaze. I got up and turned the music off, "I thought I was the only one that came up here and moped." I admitted.

"Nah your not, I miss him too." Daniel scratched the back of his neck.

"I feel safe up here, I know Wes would never suspect that I'm in here."

"He's bad news Jasmine. He's evil."

"I'm pretty sure he'd do anything to get what he wants."

"Me too. But Jasmine I need you to understand something here okay?"


"As Toby's best friend, in now in charge of looking after you till he's back."

"Daniel I really appreciate that but I've already got too many guys looking out for me. I can look out for myself."

"Not when it comes to guys like Wes. you really have no idea do you?"

"I'm sorry I'm not following."

"You have no idea what Wes has done, Toby didn't tell you did he?"

"What? Toby didn't tell me what?"

"Both Wes's parents were killed in a car accident, the same accident that took Toby's parents. So both Toby and Wes became orphans, only Wes has blamed Toby and his parents for the accident ever since."

"How long ago was this accident?"

"They were both nine years old."

"What does this have to do with 'what Wes has done'?"

"Wes's parents were killed instantly but Wes was fine, Toby's parents were still alive but trapped in the wreck. Toby's car exploded with his parents still inside."

I had nothing to say to that.

"To this day Wes blames Toby for everything. Even the cops don't know what went down that night, only that they arrived at crash site and found two nine year old boys."

"What did Wes do though?"

"He's been out to get Toby ever since that night but only Toby and Wes know exactly what happened."

"We have to talk to Toby, we might be able to get him out."

"Jasmine he hasn't even told me about it."

"I've told him everything about me so he owes me."

"Do you ever quit Jasmine?"

"Nope. I'm just scared to go to juvie on my own."

"I can come with you and wait outside while you speak to Toby."

"You would?"

"I would."

"I want to go tomorrow but I just realised we have the performance tomorrow night and I have to help set up."

"Then we'll go the next day."

"Yeah meanwhile I need you to do some spying for me. Are you up to it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm depends who I'm spying on."

"Wes and Corey."

"Corey? Why?"

"I haven't seen him for two days and I'm really hoping he's not planing something stupid. Can you find out for me? He'd never suspect you."

"Yeah I'm in. What are you going to do?"

"A little bit of spying on Gemma. I somehow get the felling she's involved in this."

"I should go, commerce starts in fifteen minutes, but consider that job done."

"I've got a free, so I'm just gonna hang out up here a bit longer."

Daniel walked over to the door and opened it but turned back to me. "Hey, don't mope too much we're gonna get him out."

I nodded really trying to believe that but it was hard. Life was hard. Once he was gone I fell back onto the bed and stared at the roof.

My eyes were sore, I forced them open. I hadn't been getting a heck of a lot of sleep lately because I was a notorious worrier. I continued to stare at the roof until I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer and drifted off to sleep.

I'll Always Love A Bad Boy (Sequel To I Fell In love With The Bad Boy)Where stories live. Discover now